Took me awhile to pick a character, but I have decided to make Ahri in her Popstar skin.
I'll might try to put my own twist on it. I think it might look pretty good with the colours from SNSD's outfits from their song 'Genie' (white, black, gold).
Skirt and jacket done. What's left is the hat and boots. I'll work on the hair a bit more as well and add more detail. Hopefully the boots go well, I always have trouble modeling them haha
Thanks guys, gave the thighs a bit more volume and tweaked the knees.
Some basic polypainting, will have to make her skin more lighter I think. (Legs are dark because she is wearing stockings, just incase I didn't paint it convincingly)
Also trying to decide her hair colour. Blonde or black?
Almost done with the low poly model. Currently sitting at ~9500 tris, it will be more once I make the other tails. I'll probably have to make the face less dense.
This is looking pretty cool so far, so I'm anxious to see how you'll tweak the textures in PS. You've still got some polys to work with once you reduce the face and maybe feet?
I would probably change the background to a darker pink/purple. Right now your Ahri is getting lost in the brightness since she is also very brightly textured.
slosh: Thanks. I did the tail terribly. I don't have time to go back to the model as I'm continuing projects that I put on hold. Really got to practice hair and fur sculpting & texturing.
Dynameshed from a sphere, just blocking out proportions using Zeronis's Blur ortho illustration.
Looking at the popstar image, I think I might make her a bit more slender ...but I'm not sure yet, a bit tired for today.
Keep it up~
Doing a bit of concepting/designing today. What do you guys think? Left, right or a mix of both? Suggestions?
Yeah I agree, once I get these boots done I will fix the length of the legs.
Some basic polypainting, will have to make her skin more lighter I think. (Legs are dark because she is wearing stockings, just incase I didn't paint it convincingly)
Also trying to decide her hair colour. Blonde or black?
Next step will be retoping for the low poly.
Shaded / Flat
good luck!
Completed UVs and baked out the base diffuse and AO, now off to photoshop to finish up the texture.
Maybe you could try duplicating AO on mulitply mode overlay.
Right ao looks too bright.! It'll give more contrast!
Other than that she's looking good so far
An extra beauty shot
darkmag: I'll give that a go, thanks.
Here is my model in Sketchfab.