Ah geez, you guys... I'm not sure how great of a choice this'll be considering I haven't really made any female characters before :P Should be good practice though.
jeebs- I don't know, maybe originalish? I dig the splash more than the ingame design. I've been thinking about maybe going a bit more gothic with it, but keeping the feathers. I'll post up some mockups of this soon.
Isaiah- heh, yeah... feathers... :P I thought about going more succubus type with it but I'm not sure about that yet. At least alpha is officially allowed, so hey! That's cool Less time modeling haha.
Awesome start I might be totally wrong but It looks like the waist area is a little too narrow, the groin area could be dropped down a bit and that will also resolve having the belly button too low as I think it might be the case right now Good luck with this!!
Jotting down some ideas and getting a start on a face. Ignore the gold eyes, I have no idea. I should probably flesh out the base mesh more before thinking about costume, just just wanted to get the first idea I had out of my head. Getting some slow progress, but something.
Nice progress, i really like the proportions! Good choice on hero I love her look and feel.
I know its still WIP but the hair line seems a little high and the face in general feels flat. The cheeks pop out at me, almost like there is no underlying skull structure. Take my crit with a grain of salt, I'm no master at female faces.
Dude, thanks so much Eddie! You're right, the face really needs to feel more like it has an underlying structure. I think I got carried away with the smooth stronger brush and trying to figure out making this stylized. I'll definitely address this! And yeah, the hair is dynamesh plop, but I'll be sure to watch the hairline when I approach it for reals.
Good luck.
jeebs- I don't know, maybe originalish? I dig the splash more than the ingame design. I've been thinking about maybe going a bit more gothic with it, but keeping the feathers. I'll post up some mockups of this soon.
Isaiah- heh, yeah... feathers... :P I thought about going more succubus type with it but I'm not sure about that yet. At least alpha is officially allowed, so hey! That's cool
Here's a start on the base for now
I know its still WIP but the hair line seems a little high and the face in general feels flat. The cheeks pop out at me, almost like there is no underlying skull structure. Take my crit with a grain of salt, I'm no master at female faces.
Keep on posting stuff!