Thanks everyone!
Rafu I will experiment a little with those proportions when I am working on her tonight
Slosh, I still plan on spending quite a while on this sculpt but I am more worried about the actual texture as I know that will take me some serious time to make it look anywhere decent.
Thank you so much everyone it really means a lot to me that people are liking the character so far.
A very minor update but I am trying to do at least something to this model every day.
A LOT to fix up with the hair tomorrow, going to throw it into photoshop so I can paint how the hair will flow which will help.
Mohsen, when I create hair I bring in a sphere and mock out the base shape, I then mask and polygroup the major forms which in this is the 3 large hair stands on each side and from one at the from. I then dynamesh it and zremesh really low and sculpt on it after that. Main brushes I use for it are Dam Standard, Trim Dynamic and clay.
Lazar, looking forward to your updates, I'm really enjoying it so far!
Thank you!
Another minor update! I lost a few hours yesterday due to corrupted files sadly /cry
I have other work I need to get done tomorrow but I will be working on defining the arms and doing a lot of sculpting on the hand on monday.
Hello everyone, long time no post! Thanks for the compliments and feedback so far.
Here is my first texturing WIP of her, have done very little of this type of work and I am enjoying it so far. She currently sits at 5062 tri's including both weapons.
Glad you picked this back up! I think you definitely need more color. For the skin, the highlights seem to get really white...maybe make it more of a light color and add in some more hues in the shadows and midtones. Also, adding in the reds on the nose, cheeks, ears, etc will help a lot. For her clothes, I would add in subtle color gradients to get some variation and separation between elements. Adding in color gradients to the hair would go a long way as well. Keep it up! Almost done!
Slosh - Thank you very much for the feedback, I tried to apply it best I could for her!
Next on list for me focus a bit more on her weapons, hair and nurse hat. Then go over the entire model and add some more lighting information so that is nice and crisp.
I have started a rig for her to test out some posing too. Not long to go!!!
Hey everyone, this is my final. I had an enjoyable time doing this!
Thank you everyone for the feedback on her and other places, this was very much a learning experience for me as I don't really reach out the game characters that much, but this coming year I am hoping to create many more and learn lots!
Hopefully these next competitions I will be more vocal and update for regularly,
If you want to maintain the LoL proportions, maybe you could give her a little longer bust and a more thin head with less round cheeks.
Still, I love what you've done so far
Really good start, looking forward to this one
Rafu I will experiment a little with those proportions when I am working on her tonight
Slosh, I still plan on spending quite a while on this sculpt but I am more worried about the actual texture as I know that will take me some serious time to make it look anywhere decent.
A very minor update but I am trying to do at least something to this model every day.
A LOT to fix up with the hair tomorrow, going to throw it into photoshop so I can paint how the hair will flow which will help.
Mohsen, when I create hair I bring in a sphere and mock out the base shape, I then mask and polygroup the major forms which in this is the 3 large hair stands on each side and from one at the from. I then dynamesh it and zremesh really low and sculpt on it after that. Main brushes I use for it are Dam Standard, Trim Dynamic and clay.
Lazar, looking forward to your updates, I'm really enjoying it so far!
Keep up the good work man! =D
Another minor update! I lost a few hours yesterday due to corrupted files sadly /cry
I have other work I need to get done tomorrow but I will be working on defining the arms and doing a lot of sculpting on the hand on monday.
Corrupted files are terrible...lately I find if you merge subtools in zbrush it'll sometimes corrupt your file
Here is my first texturing WIP of her, have done very little of this type of work and I am enjoying it so far. She currently sits at 5062 tri's including both weapons.
Next on list for me focus a bit more on her weapons, hair and nurse hat. Then go over the entire model and add some more lighting information so that is nice and crisp.
I have started a rig for her to test out some posing too. Not long to go!!!
Thank you everyone for the feedback on her and other places, this was very much a learning experience for me as I don't really reach out the game characters that much, but this coming year I am hoping to create many more and learn lots!
Hopefully these next competitions I will be more vocal and update for regularly,