Here is my progress so far, still have to add in the details and make the weapon. It has been a lot fun to work on this guy, having a ball. I took some liberties with the original concept, I liked the idea of the crystals being a bit more controlled, stemming from bony parts of the body and such.
Aiming for a bit more of a sharp, dangerous look. I was thinking about changing up the bow to match as well. Any comments and critiques are greatly appreciated!
It's coming together nicely! I did a quick paintover (since i'm too lazy atm to strugle with my english ) - hope you don't mind, just my 2 cents. Keep it up.
Thx for taking the time man I can see how some additional forearm helps, seeing as how he is a bowman after all. Ill be sure to make some adjustments, thanks again!
Hey slosh, thanks a bunch! I agree, pushing those proportions will add a bit more to the style. Ill be sure to tweak them tonight, thanks for taking the time .
Ok, back in action! Finished the bow half, just the handle to finish from there. Also extended his arms and legs a bit following the feedback I received .
More or less calling it unless anyone feels there is something I should add/change/etc. On to reotopo!
Ha, good luck!
Please excuse the crappy filler pants. Any and all critiques are very much appreciated!
Aiming for a bit more of a sharp, dangerous look. I was thinking about changing up the bow to match as well.
More or less calling it unless anyone feels there is something I should add/change/etc. On to reotopo!