hehe yeah agreeing with Slosh, this is awesome and very well done, but most of the newer league characters are sitting around 9-12k tris........for the entire character. =P
Thank you for your feedback Slosh, Turret, Howling Carnage!
I agree with you guys! I guess I exceeded the limit by more than 2 times :poly122:. I should fix it now.
Ok, those scales came out niiiice. My only small crit with those is to possibly add some subtle size variation. It's a nitpick but I think it will just look more natural. Even if you dont add them, this is TOP NOTCH!
I agree with you guys! I guess I exceeded the limit by more than 2 times :poly122:. I should fix it now.
Here is my draft topology (12.660k tris) still a lot, but I try to clean up and optimize my model :poly142:
Thank you Howling Carnage and vAp!
Nami by d33m0n on Sketchfab
looking forward to the textures.
here is my texturing process....
This is looking beautiful! I like the pose and the texture is getting awesome. Congrats! Keep working! :thumbup:
@Rambo4you Thank you!
@vAp Thank you!
@karytsukino Thank you!
I hope you like it =D
Nami WIP by d33m0n on Sketchfab
@FrankieD - Thank you!
@Byren - in Marmoset toolbag (Diffusion=Unlit, Reflectivity=None, Reflection=None)
@Ometto - Thank you!
@Arkadius - Thank you!
@kmactastic - Yeah. I think you're right. here is wrong triangulation. Thank you!
@vAp - Thank you!
@thumper09 - Thank you!