The sketch above so far is mostly to get into the spin of things and warm myself up to working with this character, most likely it isn't gonna go into the final illustration. And also to announce my intent of course

Looking forward to sharing updates and steadily working up to a final image over the course of this contest with you guys!
looking forward to seeing your work in progress and updates.
Blocking in shapes, deciding on how I want the silhouette to play out
adding some details to understand more about where I want it to go
ramaeia, I haven't seen anyone doing a Haunting Nocturne illustration when I posted this which was a week ago
going further on the character, figuring out details of the blades and such, not really happy so gonna rework it. Trying some ideas with clouds and smoke to see if I can use it as elements of the rest of it. Still not pushing any actual narrative, gonna start on that soon. Also I am going to start building up more colors into this so it gets more vibrant as I go.
fishing for a narrative, still many changes are bound to happen.
didn't like pretty much everything on the previous iteration, decided to roll back on the silliness and push simplicity.
Oh man I was so close to being done and then I caught some terrible disease. Knocked me right out for a week without being able to sit up and then another week of just warm tea and recuperation. I'm gonna go ahead and think I was battling pneumonia but I'm not 100% sure.
Anyway, I'm not 100% satisfied with my final result (when am I ever) but I think I'm gonna stop. there's nothing in this I could push more without significant changes and I don't feel like putting more time into it – I'm simply drained. But this whole time I kinda grew a bit more attached to the lovable king of AAAAHHHH that is this Haunted Nocturne guy.
Next time I'll try to do something way different and original but for now this will have to do. I had fun doing it and learned some things on the way.
anyway, good luck to you guys, hope you like it, thanks for looking at the process.