So Im going to come off a bit critical and talk about what stabbed me in the face. The proportions of the knee's in the first image look pretty bad, I see you touched them but they're still off. The detail in the front of the knee looks nice but the area around the inside of the outter head of the gastrocnemius is looking strange and deflated. Also the entire hamstring area looks flat like a barbie doll, no muscle tissue or depressions around cartilage and bone. To me proportions on the figures torso look a bit too realistic for me, the design would start out much more appealing if you were to add a half a head or full head to your proportions. I realize what a pain in butt it is to do once youve started but its best to get those issues out of the way quickly. I also appreciate a well fleshed out breast as much as the next guy but breasts dont sit down and out like that when they are covered and nestled together under clothing. That's what is making her breasts look like world war 2 torpedoes after you modeled her cleavage wrags and Im willing to bet that it is what's causing her shoulders to look so brawny when you added the clothing. That big square shape that begins at the corners of her shoulders and ends at the bottom corners of each breast. The last thing I cant keep looking at is the front view of the face, I dont know. All I can say is that the side looks much better.
With that said your edge flow looks nice in the first image, if this is what you get done in one sitting I congratulate you sir!
Hey BrooD thanks for the crit, good stuff for sure, I appreciate it. Yeah you're right on all counts. I will certainly go back in and address those troubled areas. Its early enough in the game to tackle. Hopefully I will get to them by my update post tonight and if not def will be addressed in the next days post.
More progress on Riven. Cleaned up some detail in the figure, fixed some facial features. Added more armor. Next update I should have the weapon and hair added. Then its on to getting some hi res detail in the sculpt.
Small update, made the Runic Sword, continued to refine facial features, created hair. Its getting there. Next steps adding detail to armor and clothing.
Started blocking out the form today, creating a solid base. Still lots to do.
Refined the figure a bit more today, started blocking out costume.
So Im going to come off a bit critical and talk about what stabbed me in the face. The proportions of the knee's in the first image look pretty bad, I see you touched them but they're still off. The detail in the front of the knee looks nice but the area around the inside of the outter head of the gastrocnemius is looking strange and deflated. Also the entire hamstring area looks flat like a barbie doll, no muscle tissue or depressions around cartilage and bone. To me proportions on the figures torso look a bit too realistic for me, the design would start out much more appealing if you were to add a half a head or full head to your proportions. I realize what a pain in butt it is to do once youve started but its best to get those issues out of the way quickly. I also appreciate a well fleshed out breast as much as the next guy but breasts dont sit down and out like that when they are covered and nestled together under clothing. That's what is making her breasts look like world war 2 torpedoes after you modeled her cleavage wrags and Im willing to bet that it is what's causing her shoulders to look so brawny when you added the clothing. That big square shape that begins at the corners of her shoulders and ends at the bottom corners of each breast. The last thing I cant keep looking at is the front view of the face, I dont know. All I can say is that the side looks much better.
With that said your edge flow looks nice in the first image, if this is what you get done in one sitting I congratulate you sir!