Hi there. Wondering if anyone has tried this technique?
Let's say you wanted a brick texture, instead of having to have worry about lighting conidions or having your camera parallell to the bricks allignment, take maybe 10-15 pictures of the "area" where the bricks are. You will have alot more flexibility as you can practically choose which area to use.
I have tried this method today, and it works, but the workflow is still VERY WIP. You can get real heightmaps if you take enough pictures, plus real normals (this depends on how good your software handles the pictures).

An example of what you can achieve (note it's not tilable, as i said it's WIP). Very good lighting and detail. If anyone is intereted i would love to go into a bit more details.
My main issue though, is if you look closely, there are small white lines which comes from the original UV map (because it came straight out of PhotoScan, it's a mess). Working on a fix, but kind of stuck at the moment.