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[Riot Art Contest] - Stephen Vyas



  • Dhairyasheel
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    Here is the walk cycle I was waiting for.
  • Evanescfan
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18

    W.I.P Notes::
    Finalized. - Barring any last minute tweeks before submitting

    Next, on to a new Attack for the Ashyktin...
  • mathiastakacs
    So good. Your work is an inspiration!
  • Evanescfan
    can we see more angles plz? :D
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    :icon60: Thx again folks!

    Evanescfan:: Sure, that's not a problem.
  • jarvin88
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    jarvin88 polycounter lvl 3
    Love it. That could even work for the start of an ult attack, haha I would gtfo if a dude came running at me like that! Super fun.
  • Fuzz1304
    Holy moly!!! That is epic dude :) Looks like its practice, practice, practice for me. Awesome work ;)
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    :icon60:Thanks Jarvin & Fuzz
    Thought about givin another attack idea a go. Had this concept bouncing around in my head for awhile.
    A bit quicker. Just to keep up with the fast paced action of League of Legends

    W.I.P Notes::
    Apply the Scotsmans' walkcycle
    Have him struggle before freezing in the ice
    Have the ice form faster
    Animate the whips(Funky Poles)
    Crack & Shatter the ice in an entertaining way
    Secondary Action on the ponytail
    cleanup the arcs/trajectories

    Edit: hmmm After watching this a few times... It feels abit tame.
    I really like the idea of freezing the enemy... but the action needs to be more exaggerated with a bigger Payoff- Possibly, an explosion similar to the first attack anim.
    I think I just had another idea...Back to the drawing board
  • Dhairyasheel
  • Solatoral
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    Solatoral polycounter lvl 3
    That is an amazingly unique (and cool) running animation!

    It potentially feels a little complex/noisy for a simple running animation, but that's me personally thinking as much.
    The only way to make it simpler is if the rock was a big smaller and simply 'appeared' below him, via earth/ice based powers. Or maybe if he had his weapons sheathed whilst walking/running, and his hands had a seamless conjuring animation. Just spit-balling here, either way it's incredible. :)

    Do you have any ideas for a possible sprint animation? (You don't have to of course, I just know all the newer champs get sprint animations for high movespeed boosts like homeguard or talisman).

    Keep up the good work. :D
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    Solatoral wrote: »
    It potentially feels a little complex/noisy for a simple running animation, but that's me personally thinking as much.
    The only way to make it simpler is if the rock was a big smaller and simply 'appeared' below him, via earth/ice based powers. Or maybe if he had his weapons sheathed whilst walking/running, and his hands had a seamless conjuring animation. Just spit-balling here, either way it's incredible. :)

    There's some truth to this.
    I initially felt the same way and began looking for ways to reduce the busyness of the run-anim
    •Lowering the visibility of the whips helped (Before they were bright white).
    •The 'rocks' do still stand out. Though, with the final pass on the animation they'll become clear ice-crystals.. similar to the attack.gif above.
    This should help. They'll be almost invisible to the viewers eye. Helping to reduce the noise of the animation significantly
    I'd love to be doing these with a magic particle effect-unfortunately we're all limited a bit by what we can do in this challenge
    Solatoral wrote: »
    Do you have any ideas for a possible sprint animation? (You don't have to of course, I just know all the newer champs get sprint animations for high movespeed boosts like homeguard or talisman).

    Keep up the good work. :D

    With time running out, I still have to come up with an attack anim for both characters that I'm happy with.
    That being said, I'd enjoy creating a full set for this character. I have some nifty ideas for a sprint animation!
  • spokenleaf
  • andyvargas
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    andyvargas polycounter lvl 5
    ohh man your work its impressive and inspiring! :'D
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    :icon60: Thanks to those still tuning into this w.i,p thread.
    Truly appreciate all the support and motivation you guys are pumping in here
    9 Days left and ticking... o.O

    Here's the 1st update for the new Attack.
    To do list::
    •Most of the choreography is in for the Ashyktin
    •Some Space & Timing issues still need to be addressed for readability sake
    •Rock protrusion
    •Sword & Shield
    •Explosion and scattering
    •The Scotsman and ice are still in an animatic form, but the next update should prove to be a bit more appealing and make sense. i hope.
  • Goldo_O
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    Goldo_O greentooth
    Poor Scot! Why so much hate? ;)
    Another great blockout, can't wait to see those whips animated on this one! How does it look from default cam?
    It's funny how you created a believable character out of this very simple blue biped. That really shows your passion and talent!

    Ok maybe I am biased, you make lots of lists and I love to-do lists :P
  • shawnydee
    Gah dam! Really digging your style man, especially the part where he pulls himself up. But if there was something I would change it would be the twirl he does before landing. Maybe a back flip with some air time before twirling could create a better flow, or something acrobatic. Hope this helps :)
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    poor scotty.. : )
    Goldo_O wrote: »
    How does it look from default cam?
    just like regurgitated cat food

    j/k, I'll toss up that camera view with the next update
    Thanks bud
    shawnydee wrote:
    But if there was something I would change it would be the twirl he does before landing. Maybe a back flip with some air time before twirling could create a better flow, or something acrobatic.
    :icon60: Sure, why not. That'sa flippin great idea, shawnydee
  • Evanescfan
    I'm loving this.
    Keep em coming :D
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    poor scotty.. : )

    just like regurgitated cat food

    Aw jeeze. Thanks for that image.
  • mrnunez
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    mrnunez polycounter lvl 2
    Congratulations stephen, all the animations are looking superb!!
  • slipsius
    Man, Stephen, Ive been without a computer for the past 2 months, so im just seeing these now, but man, your work is always inspiring! Fantastic execution, and the creativity is definitely in a league of its own!

    That said... constructive crit time! I could be way off base here, but this is a contest where these animations are suppose to fit into the game and design of it all. I really feel as though that run cycle does not fit. My reasoning is because it looks like he's attacking while running, so while it's insanely creative, it would be confusing to everyone else from a game play perspective. Unless it was used as a channeling attack (like tempest rush in Diablo 3), but then it doesnt classify as a run anymore. It's an attack. Whether or not that is something The judges will be looking as isn't something I can answer, but if I were judging, I would DQ it based on that. I could just be talking out my butt though...

    That's really my ONLY criticism on this stuff, cause as I said, insanely well executed! Inspiration folder for sure! Great work!
  • Arturow
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    Arturow polycounter
    I am a fan of your work! amazing stuff
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    :icon60: Thanks Arturow, mrnunez & Evanescfan!
    Heboltz3:: I thought that was pretty tame? Could be worse... much worse *evil grin*

    slipsius::Respectfully, we may have to agree to disagree.
    The rules, to me, seemed lenient and relaxed..all well within reason.

    •Create a uniquely creative run or walk cycle clearly showing the personality and emotion of your selected character.
    This can be any type of run or walk. It could be an aggressive, defensive, casual or sneaky run.
    The key here again is showing creativity.

    Charging us with the task of creating 'Any type of run or walk', fortunately didn't limit us with respect to when it had to be used in-game.
    This was key for me.
    'Any' type of run or walk really opened the doors to let loose some crazy ideas for us here in the challenge.
    While the movement cycle didn't necessarily have to be their main mode of travel, I can think of many situations where I would like to see the Ashytkin evoke this movement cycle in-game. I see it being used in both a aggressive and arguably in a defensive nature- depending on gameplay balance.

    I understand the creativity of it all is subjective, but I honestly don't believe any rules have been broken demanding a strict DQ.
    -Really strange and concerning to hear this, but I won't bother trying to change your mind or those of the judges if they're inline with your vision.
    Maybe I did mess up and deserve a DQ?*shrug*

    :icon60: I appreciate the kinds words in anycase. It's been a ton of fun participating in our very first Animation challenge here.
  • slipsius
    Those are some extremely valid points! And as i said, i could ABSOLUTELY be wrong on this. I hope i am too, cause i really do love that run!
  • graograman88
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    graograman88 polycounter lvl 2
    jesssssssusssss!I love it! can stop watching it! I also loving your portifolio! Just WOW!
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    :icon60: Thanks graograman88
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    I should mention exactly how I'd like to see this Run cycle being evoked, using the League of Legends gameplay mechanics

    I see this Run-cycle used when the Summoner Ghost Spell is evoked.

    I've tried to keep his inherit ability to conjure up ice clusters consistent with
    when his whips make contact with the ground. He'll continue on with this ability while running.

    While the Ghost Spell is on, he'll be running while constantly summoning up ice for his feet. Why ?
    Well, the Ghost Spell has a few attributes that go hand in hand with what I had in mind.
    The summoned ice clusters cool his feet, resulting in this ice-demon being able to run natively at
    full speed (28% faster) for a short duration of 10seconds or until it melts.
    Otherwise, he'll be tip-toeing around because the ground feels like lava to this poor ice-minion.

    The other important part of the Ghost spell is that it allows the champion to ignore unit collision.
    The Ashytkins' Agile characteristic allows him to leap from one ice cluster to the next to do this.
    Bounding overtop of minions, champions and other neutral minions without getting in their way

    If time allows, I'd like to touch up the ice conjuring part of the animation, but there really is only so much we can do with basic geometry without using particles/fx.
  • xiang Liu
    looks awesome. very impressive attack and cute character
  • Kristoffer Björklund
    Keep em flowing Stephen! This is such inspiring work! You really nailed down some proper gameplay elements that brings something new to the table. :) Can't wait to see more!

    I will try to find more time to get my animations done aswell! :D

  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks Xiang! Good to see you've managed to get your account sorted out. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
    Thanks Kris! Times runnin out.. hurry hurry hurry... You can do it!

    ahh finally starting to feel relaxed as this one closes out. This was
    a fun one to do, yet very humbling - realizing whips are notoriously
    unforgiving when it comes to seeing them from multiple sides.
    No fudging allowed :icon60:
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    The Minion-Icebomb Attack
    Here, the Ashytkin uses Scotty's mangled up icy corpse to inflict titanic damage to any surrounding baddies.

    Updated previous Sideview for comparison sake

    View from LOL's camera (55degrees @ 40fov)

    And that's it from me! -I'll just be spending the rest of the week tweekin & polishing for final submission
    Thanks to everyone for making this such an awesome animation challenge to participate in!
    It's so freaking awesome to see so many animators here at polycount
  • JorgeBarros
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    JorgeBarros polycounter lvl 8
    Awesome work, as usual :) Congrats!! And best of luck on the contest!
  • Evanescfan
  • Dhairyasheel
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    Dhairyasheel polycounter lvl 9
  • Dhairyasheel
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    Dhairyasheel polycounter lvl 9
    hay Stephen, did you use quick silver hardware render ?
    or just preview
    if hardware render the how grid is in ?
    and if preview then i tried making previews but i didn't get the quality

    can you help me out?
  • TypicalDan
    Love this! Your work is so fluid!
  • Kristoffer Björklund
    And thank you Stephen for all the inspiration and motivation! :D You sure have helped me alot!

  • wizo
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    wizo polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, the support and quality work from you made this comp all the more enjoyable, hope the polish is going as you wish and all is well on your end. I wish you the very best, as for critiques I'd love to be able to help but all I can say is I love those animations. Maybe render the wip a bit brighter so they dont read as extensions of the character maybe? hah there, I tried.

    Good luck man!
  • Dantert
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    Dantert polycounter lvl 10
  • kuru
  • Scythe
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    Scythe greentooth
    your animating skills are sorcery. the result is brilliant man
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
  • jarvin88
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    jarvin88 polycounter lvl 3
    Great stuff stephen! Best of luck on your entry!
  • Trik
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    Trik polycounter lvl 11
    it's such a pleasure to watch this.
  • Owl
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    Owl polycounter lvl 6
    Awesome work Stephen! I always love seeing the new anims you do!! So much personality and whimsy. Really great stuff. I just want to see more!!! :D
  • dannyannymation
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    dannyannymation polycounter lvl 6
    Congratulations on making the top three! :D
  • charlestinney
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    charlestinney polycounter lvl 6
    You just needed to add one more whip to get 1st. :) Great stuff and congratulations.
  • Goldo_O
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    Goldo_O greentooth
    Congrats on your very inspired entry Steve! It was great to watch your progress and get a better glimpse into your workflow. I wish I could animate like you :-)
  • Poseiden
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    Poseiden polycounter lvl 9
    Congrats on the second place win! I can't wait to see more animations for you in the future.
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks everyone! <3

    Feeling very lucky & fortunate
    There were some entries that didn't make the top 3.. that very well could have earned a spot. Even some that may have suited the League of Legends game more than my own entry. I imagine the decisions must have been tough for the judges, yet enjoyable at the same time.. because there were a lot of fun ones to watch here!

    Anyways, just wanted to say a quick Thanks for the love and support in this thread and I can't wait to see more of you participating in our new corner here on Polycount :icon60:
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