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About to buy a Cintiq , any sugestion?

polycounter lvl 14
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NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
Hello I want to buy a Cintiq , I owned an intuous befoue but not beeing able to see where I drawed I never really got used to it .
I am undecided now on what to get ,
I do want to use touch functionalities
I do want to use it for sketching , photoshop, texturing and zbrush sculpting .
I want to minimize any use of external inputs and have the most time saving manipulation .

What do you sugest?

According to what I read the only options are 22 hd touch or 13hd hybrid , the 24 is too big for me .


  • kurt_hectic
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    kurt_hectic polycounter lvl 13
    4 things:

    (I do want to use touch functionalities)- you don't ;) I have 2 tablets with touch and cintiq 24 without this feature. And I recommend to not bother about it. Sometimes it slows down the software, some times cause glitches and jumping on the canvas, switching between pen and touch input also isn't perfect. So overall, when you gather this tiny problems- it's not worth it. I've seen many topics where people were asking for scripts\options for fast switching off the touch input, wacom companions even have button for this.

    Touch is great for web browsing, not for drawing.
    Besides- you can't use it in PS, probably also in zbrush, they just don't support it. There is only one software which works well with touch: sketchbook pro.
    For doodling I use SB pro and have spacebar on the 2nd button on the pen. It gives pan\zoom and works perfect all the time. For professional work you will have to use a keyboard, no matter what software you gonna use.

    2nd thing:
    Prabably wacom will realease 2nd version of the companions in q4 of this year; maybe wait till announcement?

    3rd one:
    Wacom technology isn't accurate, that's why it's veeeery hard to use 13' tablets. IMO 19' is optimum but they don't produce tablets in this size. I had 10', 12.1' and 24' and ONLY 24' works well.

    last one:
    Test it before buy.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
  • WarrenM
    3rd one:
    Wacom technology isn't accurate, that's why it's veeeery hard to use 13' tablets. IMO 19' is optimum but they don't produce tablets in this size. I had 10', 12.1' and 24' and ONLY 24' works well.
    I have a 21" at home and it's been great. If it's inaccurate, I haven't noticed.
  • Gaurav Mathur
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    Gaurav Mathur polycounter lvl 13
    NAIMA, like you I always had a bit of trouble with coordination. Drawing/painting with the older model 21" Cintiq that I've got is still amazing to me almost four years later. No regrets.
  • Cheeky_Pickle
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    Cheeky_Pickle polycounter lvl 9
    I'm exactly the same, I've always had a hand eye coordination issue with my intuos 4. I bought a 24HD none touch version and I couldn't be happier. I bought it almost 2 years ago and haven't looked back. I have only just started to get into Zbrush/3D in general and haven't used it for it this. However, photoshop painting etc works a treat. I'd highly recommend it :)!

    I'm really not sure I agree with @Kurt_Hectic, Wacom technology is the BEST in the market. You will not find anything more accurate in drawing tablets.
  • kurt_hectic
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    kurt_hectic polycounter lvl 13
    True, but at the same time it's 10x less accurate than a piece of paper and pencil (not speaking about problems near edges). So when you take this tech and pack it into device with 13 inch screen... IMO it's hard to have fun drawing on it. 22'-24' is a different story. I also love to draw on my 24' cintiq but at the same time dreaming about new technology and 17-19 inch device...
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    So u sugest me a 22 over a 13 ? It appealed me the loghtness and portability and I a, scared of the bulkyness pfnthe 22 ... Will I be able to work fine with zbrush on a hybrid?
  • evangelina
    I want to buy a cintiq too!
  • kurt_hectic
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    kurt_hectic polycounter lvl 13
    NAIMA - find a store where you can try both. You really should try it before buy.

    Just look at it:


  • Chimp
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    Chimp interpolator
    4 things:

    (I do want to use touch functionalities)- you don't ;) I have 2 tablets with touch and cintiq 24 without this feature. And I recommend to not bother about it. Sometimes it slows down the software, some times cause glitches and jumping on the canvas, switching between pen and touch input also isn't perfect. So overall, when you gather this tiny problems- it's not worth it. I've seen many topics where people were asking for scripts\options for fast switching off the touch input, wacom companions even have button for this.

    Touch is great for web browsing, not for drawing.
    Besides- you can't use it in PS, probably also in zbrush, they just don't support it. There is only one software which works well with touch: sketchbook pro.
    For doodling I use SB pro and have spacebar on the 2nd button on the pen. It gives pan\zoom and works perfect all the time. For professional work you will have to use a keyboard, no matter what software you gonna use.


    last one:
    Test it before buy.

    ^this x10
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    I haveno idea where to go to test one ...
  • WarrenM
    Just buy it from a place that has a good return policy.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Well internet wacom site states you can send back after 40 days if you don't like ...

    But according to my above description wich one would suit me better?
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    don't underestimate the size of these tablets.

    when i first got my 22HD i was trying to decide on that or the 24. I went with the 22 in the end and it's HUGE. the 24 would have had to sit on the floor due to lack of desk space (at the time) lol.

    that said though, the stand for the 24 is way nicer. i'd kill to have that type of stand on the 22.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Perhaps a good compromise would be a 18" ?
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    I tried the 24, 22 and the 13. I was going in and set my sights on the 13 because it was cheaper and it looked like a good size for my desk. While it did work as well a any Wacom, the screen was just too small for my monster man-hands. The 22HD was on sale and was just $500 more than the 13, so... got the 22HD. The 24 was HUGE... I can't imagine having that on my desk...
  • Optinium
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    Optinium polycounter
    I've got a 24HD and a Companion Hybrid (13HD screen) and they both work great, the dissonance in size between the 2 is a none issue I find within 60 seconds of scribbling. The 24HD is heavy and it really dictates the way you have your set-up, I got it when the 22HD wasn't released but having tried that extensively I might have opted for that instead; having said that though I love having the 24HD hang over the edge of my desk and drawing over it, it's really comfy.
    I've only have the Companion Hybrid a few days, and the size has not been an issue, the only thing I don't like when using it on a PC is the cable placement at the side, oh and the highest notch on the kickstand is a bit weird to set-up in my opinion. Either way a great piece of kit.
    Also if you happen to be in the UK the 13HD is only £530 from Amazon right now and the Companion Hybrid has dropped down to £799, both good value in my opinion.
  • kurt_hectic
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    kurt_hectic polycounter lvl 13
    "The 24 was HUGE... I can't imagine having that on my desk..."
    I bought a dedicated desk at IKEA for 30$ ;) (tablet has 29kg, desk can hold up to 50kg)

    "from Amazon right now and the Companion Hybrid has dropped down"
    There are rumours that wacom will release an updated version in this year. I belive that info. you gave confirms these rumours.
  • Scruples
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    Scruples polycounter lvl 10
    I don't recommend the 13HD at all, no vesa mount a terrible stand (say goodbye to your posture and neck muscles), cable is in an inconvenient location, I have one and I'm using it like an intuos with the screen turned off laying flat below a larger monitor.
  • pablohotsauce
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    pablohotsauce polycounter lvl 7
    find a store where you can try both. You really should try it before buy.

    Where can you try them? From Googling it, it seems like they demo them only at conventions. Any brick and mortar stores have demo units? I've never seen one in my life.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    You can always try to see if there's anyone around that has access to one, students, community colleges, game dev groups and meetups. I've had the opportunity to try different ones out 3 or 4 times without even seeking it out.
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    Scruples wrote: »
    I don't recommend the 13HD at all, no vesa mount a terrible stand (say goodbye to your posture and neck muscles), cable is in an inconvenient location, I have one and I'm using it like an intuos with the screen turned off laying flat below a larger monitor.

    I so don't agree with you, i own a 22hd and a 13hd. I love them both. I first though i could actually TRANSPORT the 22hd oh damn i was so wrong lol, just finding a place where to put it in my office was complicated. No matter how you put the 22hd, you'll have one hell of back pain except if you buy one of those wall support hand stuff. But it's nice to work in a big canvas. My dedicated ikea table is bending is so heavy :< and it will became hot if you have no fresh air after a long time using it, i remember not even warming the room during winter when i was spending all day long on it (and i live in canada).

    the 13hd is awesome. It's small and sometime i would prefer having more space to draw depend on what i'm working on but it's light, i can sit like i want and be comfortable with it and i can bring it everywhere with me. I also prefer the screen surface of the 13hd. the 22hd marks so easily i have to scratch on mine in 3 years and i've been taking utterly care of it, i think one of my ring did that that's the only explanation for those scratch. However i wouldn't recommend it for big male hand, you'll see nothing.

    If i had the opportunity to go back in time before i bought 2 of them, i would probably go for a companion.
    I hate the fact that wacom pilot are shit, it's impossible to own 2 different cintiq on the same computer without having tones of problem. Half software won't recognize the right tablet, Zbrush will perma crash after few min of using. No pression on SAI, Photoshop will acknowledge it 50% of the time. AND IT'S THE WORSE PAIN IN THE ASS TO FIX. You need to manually delete every single wacom file hidden in your computer and re-install the driver with the tablet you want to use plug in. I took me an entire day to make my 22hd works again, i'll never plug my 13hd EVER AGAIN.

    And Wacom support is terrible, they know nothing about computer half topic on their forum support are about that problem there's not a single way to fix it and used both of them like you want. (if anyone has a way to make them both work please pm me, i'll worship you like my personal god)
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