Hey guys, I could use some help with my textures for my pirate house. This is for a uni project. Any suggestions on how to make the textures pop? Or make the whole thing actually look good

It only has a diffuse texture so far and although it kind of looks like the concept I feel like it lacks something...
So yea if someone knows a bit more about hand painted textures, I am grateful for every advice


How much of the background were you planning on doing? I'd at least get that base in there of the rock and the tree. If you can get just a bit of the ocean going so you can show the deck with the spindly legs, that would be preferable.
If you need some encouragement on getting it to pop more before moving along with the rest of the details, maybe try to get some specular in there, especially on the gold rim areas.
Really I'd say just keep it moving and keep updating... liking it so far!
foreverlost- Yea I already got the everything modelled that is in the concept so hopefully I can get it all textured and looking nice.
Yes, will put a spec map on, thanks for the feedback
Small progress from today. Texturing the ship right now, I think it is looking a bit better now... still a long way to go though.