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ID Color Material - Blending Mask Problem

polycounter lvl 4
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PetSto polycounter lvl 4
Hi, I have problem with my ID Color Map, I set 12 diferent colors in map and some edges are hard pixelated and some has nice bleeding, some mask in DDO works fine but some take color from bleeding edges from other Color ID material, how can I fix this. I think for ID Map will be nice has some tolerance funcion for color as has photoshop with magic wand. Thank you.

Here are psd and 4k ID color mask files. P.S. Map is hand painted not generated or baked.


  • rexus
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    rexus polycounter lvl 17
    I am having this problem too.
  • Goeddy
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    Goeddy greentooth
    i didn't look at your maps, but you should never have gradients in your ID map.
    this is specifically stated in the tooltip and in the wiki.

    your ID map should be as clear as possible without any gradients at all.

    in case you want to have a soft transition between 2 materials, you should use one ID for both materials and adjust the mask after you applied your materials.
  • NoiseCrime
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    NoiseCrime polycounter lvl 6
    Having looked at your PSD, the problem is due to your hand painting where the colours are far more blurred/faded at the edges than typical anti-aliasing between colours when baked from a modelling package would be, no doubt due to the level of 'softness' applied with your drawing tools.

    Don't forget the colour influence is far more than can easily be seen by your eyes. For example if you enable just the Pink blobs (Texture - Hand - Hand Paint 02 - Custom 03) zoom in 400%, then use magic wand with high tolerance say 200, you'll see just how wide the influence from the pink blobs is. To me that would explain why Quixels anti-aliasing detection fails.

    Its hard to say how to fix it. Maybe Quixel can implement a per project setting to allow you to specify a higher tolerance to finding colours. In which case i'd recommened you requesting that in their suggestions thread in this forum.

    As for what you might be able to do yourself, seeing as most of your colours are on different layers i'd look into using photoshop to erase/erode the bleeding at the edges on each layer. Alternatively make some tests with the drawing tools and determine a 'softness' value that will give some anti-aliaising but not the degree of bleeding you are seeing here. Another option may be to work at double size and only use hard edge tools, then scale down 50% to get anti-aliasing and see how that works.

    It should also be noted that scaling the original down either in photoshop or using Quixel work Resolution can result in similar issues.

    You also need to take great care when hand-painting to avoid situations like this

  • PetSto
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    PetSto polycounter lvl 4
    Thank you so much for answer NoiseCrime, you have right. Problem is blending where brush is too much soft and edges are as you say too much blurred or faded. I work on Dota2 workshop item, and I have all maps in 4k and resample down with bilinear to 512 for Antialising. And when I have on map too much colors, sometimes can happend, when one id color has same or approximately same color as soft edge another ID color because DDO use bigger tolerance for finding same color on whole map. This will be nice feature as you say, when we can set tollerance for ID color, or maybe can have multiple inputs for ID maps, where one map has only 3 colors (RGB) and when my mesh has about 12 ID Colors, then I input 4 different maps, and every file has only 3 colors and in DDO I will change color (for example Red) for another (for example Pink), but mask stay same as I set for Red channel, but in another file I can have another Red channel mask for another ID Color for another mask.

    Sry for english.
  • Eric Ramberg
    Once again, thank you Noisecrime for helping out!! :D
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