Hello, I'm learning Maya and my problem is that everytime I delete faces this happens(I posted this here because I think this is more technical side than art)
viewport 2.0 could be giving you some draw problems. try switching to dafault. Or you did a double extrude at one point and there are very very very thin faces there that look like remaining edges.
Switched to legacy and nothing changed, In object mode those lines does not appear, but they mess things when I try to do a selection with double click X_X
I see problems similar to this with a lot of people starting out in Maya. It's often a result of extruding border edges and not paying attention to the direction that the face normals are pointed, resulting in meshes that are half correct, and half inside out.
A common mistake for beginners is to extrude and move an edge, decide to undo, but only undo once instead of twice: if you extrude and move an edge/face, undoing once returns the component to its original position, but the extruded component still exists; undoing twice gets rid of the actual extrude command. Leaving a bunch of extruded components stacked on top of each other can lead to problems similar to your image as you continue to extrude and compound your problems. You can make sure you are successfully reversing your extrusions by watching your Channel Box to make sure the polyExtrudeFace node at the top of the stack disappears.
Switch to face mode and do a marquee selection over those lines and delete them. They should go away... If not, try using the Merge Vertex tool to merge everything back until the problems disappear.
Finally I would suggest working with border edges on so you can easily identify holes in your mesh (Preferences > Polygons category > checkbox Border Edges) as well as backface culling (viewport menu > Shading > Backface Culling) to see when polygons are facing the wrong direction.
Thanks man for the suggestion, I'll look for more tutorials too. For me modelling on 3DS was more user friendly than Maya, but I think it will pay in the long run
You could save your scene, restart maya, see if that fixes it.
Could delete Preferences folder to clean up any possible messed up maya files.
Try to replicate the problem again with a clean mesh and see if any of your modeling process does it.
A common mistake for beginners is to extrude and move an edge, decide to undo, but only undo once instead of twice: if you extrude and move an edge/face, undoing once returns the component to its original position, but the extruded component still exists; undoing twice gets rid of the actual extrude command. Leaving a bunch of extruded components stacked on top of each other can lead to problems similar to your image as you continue to extrude and compound your problems. You can make sure you are successfully reversing your extrusions by watching your Channel Box to make sure the polyExtrudeFace node at the top of the stack disappears.
Switch to face mode and do a marquee selection over those lines and delete them. They should go away... If not, try using the Merge Vertex tool to merge everything back until the problems disappear.
Finally I would suggest working with border edges on so you can easily identify holes in your mesh (Preferences > Polygons category > checkbox Border Edges) as well as backface culling (viewport menu > Shading > Backface Culling) to see when polygons are facing the wrong direction.