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City in UE4 Scale Question

Greg DAlessandro
polycounter lvl 11
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Greg DAlessandro polycounter lvl 11
I'm trying to create a city but my issue is I don't know the proper scale/dimensions.

Does anyone know:
-Character unit size
-The dimensions of a standard road/sidewalk are? (in Us)
-Building's floor heights.

Thank you.

Edit: there would be 2 types of roads:
- 2 lane with a divider (with grass/trees)
- 2 lane without a divider.


  • WarrenM
    UE4 uses a real world scale. So 1 unreal unit = 1 centimeter. So whatever things are in the real world, model to that...
  • Greg DAlessandro
    Offline / Send Message
    Greg DAlessandro polycounter lvl 11
    The real world scale is what I'm having trouble finding standard dimensions of roads/sidewalks, and building floor heights.
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    If you want to know the size of a road, go to google maps and look for a street. There will be a a ruler on the bottom left.

    Make sure to convert your answer to centimeters.
  • Greg DAlessandro
    Offline / Send Message
    Greg DAlessandro polycounter lvl 11
    One other thing that is confusing is I thought the default character size is 96 units (6ft) tall, but in this picture it is about 18 squares tall.

    I'm not sure how many squares = 1uu.

  • Cay
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    Cay polycounter lvl 5
    take a closer look at your picture... the reference thing at the lower left corner (right next to the coordinate system) says 10 squares equals 1 meter.. so your character is about 1.85 m tall.. average male human

    I think 96 units refers to inches.. ue4 is in metric system by default
  • Mik2121
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    Mik2121 polycounter lvl 9
    Yep. Just think of everything in centimeters. The standard grid also works in centimeters (1,5,10,50,100...). For sizes of real-life objects, just google them or depending on the item eyeball it. For building houses it depends on the building so just check some architecture sites or something and you'll find lots of info.
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    One other thing that is confusing is I thought the default character size is 96 units (6ft) tall, but in this picture it is about 18 squares tall.

    I'm not sure how many squares = 1uu.


    UDK was 1 uu = 1/16th of a foot. UE4 switched to 1 uu = 1 cm. If you set 3dsmax to default units, it'll export as 1 unit in 3dsmax = 1 uu in UE4.
  • Kurt Russell Fan Club
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    Kurt Russell Fan Club polycounter lvl 9
    96 is the half-height of characters. The center of the character will be 96 units off the floor, and the whole character will be 192 units.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    The real world scale is what I'm having trouble finding standard dimensions of roads/sidewalks, and building floor heights.
    There is a website buried in most city`s website network that tells you the rules for the construction of roads, sidewalks, homes and such. This information used to be free. Last time I looked this up was for San Diego back in 2002...

    Look here at Australia. This is the way most of it looks, sometimes it is just a wall of text in a PDF. And the part you want is like a number on page 200...
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    Cay wrote: »
    take a closer look at your picture... the reference thing at the lower left corner (right next to the coordinate system) says 10 squares equals 1 meter.. so your character is about 1.85 m tall.. average male human

    I think 96 units refers to inches.. ue4 is in metric system by default

    Veto! Average human male height is closer to 174cm.
  • Cay
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    Cay polycounter lvl 5
    sry man.. probably depends on the country too :P I wasn't actually looking for the exact number (;
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Also remember that the first person camera isn't really in eye height, which always messes up the perspective and size of things. Has been my biggest problem, when trying to fit something into scale ingame vs what you actually use.
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