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Sikorsky CH53-E


I've been working on this heli for a long time. I'm preparing to unwrap and texture the model, but before doing so, I'd like to ask for some feedback.

Here are some pics:

Here's the body:
Right now I'm struggling with the windows. I have two options. The first is to use cutout maps on the hull and separate meshes for the windows. The second is to add some edge loops, and model the windows directly onto the main mesh.
Also, turbosmoothing may distort textures, since it moves vertices. Is it possible to overcome this or dampen the effect? It worries me, since it also affect cutout maps as well.
Modeling directly to the hull means adding a lot of edge loops. It makes it harder to handle the relatively flat surfaces.
So which one do you suggest considering it's high poly and subject to turbosmooth.

Thanks for you help!


  • DWalker
    It really depends on your intended use. If you're only viewing from a reasonable distance - so the entire helicopter can fit on screen at once, for instance - then the texture method is probably fine, but if you intended to get much closer then you'll really need the geometry. Of course, you'll also need to model the interior at that point...

    When modelling the rotors, you need to determine whether it's at rest or flying. At rest, there's a considerable droop downwards, while flying there's actually an upward curve (although that's much harder to see...)
  • petiaccja
    I am particularly interested in the hull, as the rotor blades are more like placeholders for now. They will be remodeled or refined, but it's not needed to texture the body.
    I intend to make closer shots, so that's one for the geometrical approach. I don't think I'll be able to model the interior though, since I'm already struggling with the lack of resource images.
    Thanks for the tips.
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