Hey, thought i'd model an awkward shape using NURBS and EP Curves to get my base mesh. But having issues, I have created two curves offset from each other, which I will use to create a surface between, but I need a 3rd curve to define the shape of the surface.
In a video I watched the guy pressed "C", basically activated "Snap to Curve" when creating his 3rd EP Curve. I'm trying to do this, but the curve will not snap at all... on the video when he activates "Snap to Curve" a small box appears on his current curves and follows his mouse, indicating that the new point will snap to that curve.
I can't get it to do this, I have deleted my config files to restore Maya to factory settings, so none of my settings will be affecting this. Any ideas?
Or double check that "c" is still set for snap to curve in the hotkey editor.