I have a problem modeling out the carved details on a cylindrical object. I first tried to use floaters, but on some curved sides they proved to not work properly when baked. I want to ask if there's a good way to approach details like that? Should I just model these details in 3ds max? How would you do it? How to avoid geometry pinching when making holes like that ?
Well, I want the best solution. I'd like to fine the best time\quality solution to this problem.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I think nDO doesn't want to work with my version of photoshop, so I don't use it.
If you were to just model this in Max you could either work with a plane and use bend modifiers later once you have all the shapes or start with the cylinder shape and do some black magic that I'm not sure how to do without just trying...
You can still model those details on a flat plane and bake. Then just overlay it in photoshop on top of the model's normal map.
Are there any other interesting techniques for normal maps that I never heard of before?
I found a few PS actions that automate that stuff. But what does renormalizing do anyway?
This guy talks about a few different methods of blending normal maps. Its all shader side blending, but still gives you an idea of whats what on the technical end. Its got some solid images that might help better explain what I'm talking about.