Home Digital Sketchbooks

Sketchbook: AmmoBot-HB

Hey everyone I'm new to Polycount and to digital especially. Critiques are always welcome as I'd love to improve and get to know others and offer critique as well!

Since I'm real new to digital this is a great opportunity to really catalog my progress in the coming years I look forward to the time I spend here and with all of the great people I'm sure to meet.

To start it off here's a practice sheet I did from CTRL+Paint's site. The excersize was to work on rendering and not worry about linework or proportions. So as you can see I was provided the linework and also the image to try and replicate. On the far right is the rendering I did. That site is really great he's a good teacher and I picked up the basics fairly easily.

How do you guys think I did? Anything strikingly wrong with it or am I on the right track? Also where do I go from here? What's the next step for an aspiring digital artist? I was also wondering, as a side note, if it's okay to post hand drawn traditional pieces I do as well or this a strictly digital sketchbook? Either way is fine and thank you for your time in advance! :thumbup:


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