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Prometheus Tribute - University Project



Hi everyone, this is my first thread on Polycount so a little bit of background on me. I'm a 2nd Year at the University of Hertfordshire and studying a BA(Hons) in Games Art and the current plan is to specialise in rigging, though I do enjoy modelling. I'm also collecting recordings of the SideFX Houdini lectures for the VFX strand because I quite like the software and would like to see how the software can be applied to games. Currently I'm knowledgable in Photoshop and Maya, texturing in Mudbox, and a little bit of sculpting in ZBrush.

At the moment one of the projects I'm working on is a 360 degree room to go in UE4 (should be getting a student code from the university within the next week or so, so marmoset renders for now) taken from a film of my choice. I chose to do the medical pod room from Prometheus as I personally enjoyed the movie and as I have to light the scene twice (once to imitate the scene, once from my own designs) I feel it presents some good opportunities. Below is a shot from the film and the point I'm up to.

So I'm building the room in a relatively modular fashion - the archways are duplicated, the ceiling I made by duplicating the sections round. I intend to break down the sections connecting the doorways into 2 or 3 parts so I can adjust the curvature, then I'll likely stitch it back together and the top section with the trenches I'll build separately soon.

All criticism, feedback and general advice is welcome - the room's at a pretty early stage of production, so hopefully I can implement everything pretty easily :thumbup:

Thanks in advance everyone!

PS My attached images appear to be added incorrectly, if someone could set me straight as to why the [ ATTACH ] tag isn't working, that'd be appreciated greatly.


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