I'de like to know what is the state of art of current game engines in terms of computer graphics in real-time ( or even interactive rates ).
I'd like to know which are the best looking projects out there, released or not and also what kind of graphic fidelity can I obtain with Unity versus CryEngine or UDK. Basically, what are the most gorgeous looking games out there, and what can I expect to achieve with Unity, UDK and CryEngine.
@Torch: I'm not starting a fanboy thread. I'm asking for known projects. If you can't help out, leave your comments out. Thanks.
This Beautiful game uses engine X. If I use engine X, my game will be beautiful..... it doesn't work like that....
it should work more like this:
Game X has a similar technical features that I would like to see in my game, and uses engine X...thus I am going to use engine X.... Visual fidelity is going to be defined by your art team
a turd rendered by the most sophisticated real time engine on earth..is still a turd
I just want to create a near-photorealistic interactive demo in Unity, and am gathering all the info I can. From effects, to illumination models, shaders and texturing. Any help on how to push the graphics look more realistic in a game engine is welcomed
In this case, your first step would be to learn more about photography - not game engines ! Once you know precisely what you are trying to achieve, the game engine being picked becomes almost irrelevant. As a matter of fact, one factor that might be more important than graphical features is iteration speed when importing/editing assets. And to get a feel for that, you have to try them all
The tech you use will not give you automatic good results. You need to know how to use your tools, and you will be amazed with how far you can take old tech. I've seen stuff made with UDK (Unreal 3) that still looks better than a lot of early stuff I'm seeing made with UE4.
Remember. It's not the size of your framebuffer that counts, but how you use it.