I'm aware that you are able to change subselection color in Max with the direct3d mode. With Nitrous on I'm unable to change the subselection color at all. I get better performance using nitrous too.
I'm getting sick of seeing red for selection
Has anyone been able to change theirs successfully?
Anyone know of a work around for this? Its been like this since nitrous was introduced as far as I know.
Was able to change in customize colors
Customize - > Customzie User Interface -> Elements - Geometry -> Subselection
I had to restart max to get it to work.
I'm thinking this is only happening to a small amount of people since there isn't a lot of threads out there about the subject.
Sorry using 2015. Gonna test on 2012.
Edit: Works on 2012 too with Nitrous.
It's better than the red at least, although I wish i could choose the specific color, because verts are hard to see with the dark cyan.
EDIT: Actually it looks like it forces you to use the dark cyan/pasty red regardless of specific color choice. It just changes to either of those two depending on the value picked.