I've been working on this bust for a couple weeks, purpose is to learn Marmoset and make a game folio piece as I recently made redundant, and I've been neglecting my folio because I thought I was safe. Hah.
The Zbrush sculpt took 4 days, learning Marmoset 1 day, the face was quick because I already had a low poly version lying around... but the hair. I've been iterating a lot. I'm admittedly hampered by crappy hardware, and I think, I hope, I'm almost there... but it's taking too long. I need some professional advice. What should I do differently? Thanks.
I think the skin is overall a little too glossy, but the big stand out between the hair and the face is that the hair lacks reflectivity... it seems like it's completely matte and isn't reflecting anything at all, it's also slightly too light (this will change if you increase the reflectivity in toolbag).
I'm thinking that a lot of his hair since its shorter and closer to his head could have been a polygonal mass instead of cards. Then you could have a couple outlying cards to add some wispyness in places and to give it some transparency.
I've been a fan of your work for awhile! I just moved to the Baltimore area for a new job myself actually.
This is my liqui-paintover of what I'd do, personally.
I lightened the upper lids, as they were fairly black, leading to a feminine appearance.
I widened the jaw and narrowed the cheeks a little to square up the head, again to make it more masculine.
Lastly, I filled in volume of the hair where I'd just sculpt a mass, and then lay cards on top, rather than trying to build the entire hairstyle with transparent patches.
Thanks, that makes sense. I guess I thought Naughty Dog did their hair with nothing but cards, and I was stuck in that groove. Maybe they did, but that's no reason I shouldn't try something different right? I'll also try adjusting reflectivity.
I'm also a longtime fan, but I'll try not to let that stop me from making critiques! One thing that stood out for me was the little holes on the shirt around the collar. I feel like the shadow is just a touch too aggressive given how close the cloth would lie to the skin.
But I do agree that the hair is bewilderingly Matte, and a bit thin. even when you do card-only hair, I've found it to hep to put bigger, bulkier, thicker cards before adding the smaller detailed ones, just to build up the silhouette. Basically the same as building up the mesh, I suppose, but different strokes for different folks.
With the smaller cards, maybe try to make sure they're all following the flow of the hair, covering up the holes that let you see through them from different angles, and cutting through each other as infrequently as humanly possible. Generally breaks the illusion of them being strands rather than cards.
I'm kinda assuming you've seen this already when learning marmoset, but this goes through shader set up for characters super nicely. http://www.marmoset.co/toolbag/learn/character-setup You might be able to squeeze some more usefulness out of it in regards to the hair.
And just one last little thing that's irking me a tad... His eyes don't have any blood vessles or red creeping in around the sides at all. Makes them look kinda fake. The eyes on the Marmo Character setup guide have it right.
But all that said I'm just nitpicking, lol. amazing work, absolutely love it and looking forward to seeing more. Good luck in the job hunt!
Thank you!
Is this better? I added a hair mass, added more cards, kept them closer to the main mass, and made the ends of the alpha thinner, to get a little softer effect. I also increased the specularity and gloss, and darkened the diffuse. I tried anisotropic, but it looks bad.
I'm not sure if you can tell, but I'm going for a slightly dishevelled look, maybe not recently washed, kind of thing.
The hair looks much better man! This is done very nicely overall. Would love to see the highres sculpt as well. My one crit would be that set of hairs coming off his left temple...seems kinda harsh. Not sure if you fixed that in the most recent update but perhaps could use more falloff where it meets the scalp.
Thanks everyone for your comments, very helpful. Leinad yeah that's me.
Workflow, let's see, I started in Maya with an existing bust, it was animateable at first but I found it was slowing me down to tip-toe around, trying to keep history, so I 'baked' it towards the end. Second was a ZBrush sculpt, now since I didn't want to redo the lowres from scratch the sculpt doesn't look that great, I focused mainly on detail, it took only 4 days. The hair is very rough, the neck is too long (this was a female bust originally), things like that...
then I baked the normals, cavity and AO in XNormal. I already had textures also from before, but reworked them extensively, among other things I used a beard texture and a couple face textures from 3d.sk. I ended up hardly using the AO and cavity at all. I found a hair texture on google, and after getting the Diffuse texture to final I used it to trace out the alpha, and to make the spec and the normal (the XNormal Photoshop filter).
Back into Maya for the beard and hair. Beard was quick, I lucked out and got it right immediately, the hair was a whole different ballgame.
Then back and forth between Maya, Photoshop and Marmoset for a long time, probably taking the longest chunk of time.
nice work! here and there one can still see where the planes intersect with the base but the update is great.
tho i think this cute flat nose that be from on of your famous female characters could use some more depth. its really cute in the side view, too cute for a guy. i think it might not hurt to go a bit further away from that stereotype you developed years ago (and which i love)
Hair is looking way better now, some of the planes still stick out a little but it looks more like a mass of hair now rather than a bunch of planes, which is really hard to pull off.
On a personal level, I may have let out a bit of squeal when I realized that you're Steven Stalhberg and you're using Marmoset Toolbag.
The hair definitely looks ace now, but I'd say the skin texture is very flat tbh; There's no blemishes, freckles, not much colour variation, the nose is fairly pale too.
Although I tend to favour abit of nitty gritty.
This looks awesome! I look forward to more progress for the hair. There are also plenty of opportunities for improvement on the face and head structure but you already knew that.
Thanks guys! Hehe sure thing, manlier nose, coming up!
I agree about the skin, I keep trying to push the contrast on the skin, but I don't notice much changes. I even overlaid an 80 year old man's nose and cheeks on top, raised the contrast, copied and desaturated, contrasted, in Overlay Mode, I even hand-painted a couple veins and spots, it didn't seem to do much. I guess I just need to double down on all that.
I'll keep tweaking the hair.
And, I really love Marmoset - never used a software that was easier to get into.
I like different myself, but I'm also making this to please potential employers, so you know. I'll just pull it a tad forward and see what it looks like.
Looks pretty great to me. I do agree that overall he is prob too clean. Even if you look at fairly clean skinned people, there is quite a bit of blemishes unless it's airbrushed. The beard looks a tad thin but marmoset always makes it seem thinner along the edges. I think the hair looks vastly improved. The eyes could use a bit of work and maybe a bit more blood and veins, and also a tad bit more wetness along the lower lid just to sell the realism. Overall, this is pretty damn good though...cheers!
I do agree with the comments that the character is looking to clean for his own good. My crits would be add more contrast and texture variation in the skin tones. In Vertex#1 Jacque Choi does an awesome write up about them.
Also to be super nit-picky I think the hair could use some more work too. You need some more hair-cards for different sections.
For instance, having some transition cards (small break up alphas ) to help the transition between skin-geo and full hair-card would really help the illusion of the hair. I really like how you the overall hair cards seem to clump up on the head. I can sorta see groups of hair within the cards much like in real life. You could also some have stray alpha cards for random hairs to break up the silhouette.
You could also apply the same technique to the beard too. As of right now, your beard seems really thin and linear. One technique would be to create groups of hair just like you did on your head. But with the smaller beard cards, to create the cluster of hair/beard groups.
I like different myself, but I'm also making this to please potential employers, so you know. I'll just pull it a tad forward and see what it looks like.
I don#t think it is that much about pulling it out more, but the opposite is would help i think. pull the back of his nose (don't know the right english word) further in. It will not change the face from the front but make his face overall more caucasian male. At least thats how he reads to me
the asians call us longnoses for a reason
the new updates are cool, but i am not sure what to make of that one strand that breaks it, it doesn't really look like a bad strand that doesn't want to follow his hairstyle. it just feels oddly placed, not naturally growing that way.
Neox thanks, I did a bit of both, not as much as your edit but a bit.
You mean the strand on his left, top of the forehead? I agree it's a bit unnatural, see what I can do.
How's this? The strand isn't gone in the first one, that's for the nose, the second was done a bit later. Added veins on face, in eyes, tear surface. Could be too simple but it is supposed to be realtime...
hmm i would darken the lips still and brighten the veins on the nose the veins there feel a bit too intense... god cant wait until its finished
sometimes i cant believe whats possible with this times engines...
Ok thanks, I darkened the lips and softened those veins. I'm coming up on the deadline in a few hours, I won't be able to work on it after, if ever. So this is the last push
Looking forward to seeing more!
This is my liqui-paintover of what I'd do, personally.
I lightened the upper lids, as they were fairly black, leading to a feminine appearance.
I widened the jaw and narrowed the cheeks a little to square up the head, again to make it more masculine.
Lastly, I filled in volume of the hair where I'd just sculpt a mass, and then lay cards on top, rather than trying to build the entire hairstyle with transparent patches.
But I do agree that the hair is bewilderingly Matte, and a bit thin.
With the smaller cards, maybe try to make sure they're all following the flow of the hair, covering up the holes that let you see through them from different angles, and cutting through each other as infrequently as humanly possible. Generally breaks the illusion of them being strands rather than cards.
I'm kinda assuming you've seen this already when learning marmoset, but this goes through shader set up for characters super nicely. http://www.marmoset.co/toolbag/learn/character-setup You might be able to squeeze some more usefulness out of it in regards to the hair.
And just one last little thing that's irking me a tad... His eyes don't have any blood vessles or red creeping in around the sides at all. Makes them look kinda fake. The eyes on the Marmo Character setup guide have it right.
But all that said I'm just nitpicking, lol. amazing work, absolutely love it and looking forward to seeing more. Good luck in the job hunt!
Is this better? I added a hair mass, added more cards, kept them closer to the main mass, and made the ends of the alpha thinner, to get a little softer effect. I also increased the specularity and gloss, and darkened the diffuse. I tried anisotropic, but it looks bad.
I'm not sure if you can tell, but I'm going for a slightly dishevelled look, maybe not recently washed, kind of thing.
It's not everyday where I find myself saying "OMG" out-loud to a WIP. Your work is amazing!
Edit: Just out of curiosity, are you "Steven Stahlberg"?
It'd be nice to see a breakdown of your workflow once it's over. Keep it up!
Workflow, let's see, I started in Maya with an existing bust, it was animateable at first but I found it was slowing me down to tip-toe around, trying to keep history, so I 'baked' it towards the end. Second was a ZBrush sculpt, now since I didn't want to redo the lowres from scratch the sculpt doesn't look that great, I focused mainly on detail, it took only 4 days. The hair is very rough, the neck is too long (this was a female bust originally), things like that...
then I baked the normals, cavity and AO in XNormal. I already had textures also from before, but reworked them extensively, among other things I used a beard texture and a couple face textures from 3d.sk. I ended up hardly using the AO and cavity at all. I found a hair texture on google, and after getting the Diffuse texture to final I used it to trace out the alpha, and to make the spec and the normal (the XNormal Photoshop filter).
Back into Maya for the beard and hair. Beard was quick, I lucked out and got it right immediately, the hair was a whole different ballgame.
Then back and forth between Maya, Photoshop and Marmoset for a long time, probably taking the longest chunk of time.
tho i think this cute flat nose that be from on of your famous female characters could use some more depth. its really cute in the side view, too cute for a guy. i think it might not hurt to go a bit further away from that stereotype you developed years ago (and which i love)
I'll be following this thread closely.
On a personal level, I may have let out a bit of squeal when I realized that you're Steven Stalhberg and you're using Marmoset Toolbag.
Although I tend to favour abit of nitty gritty.
But sweet stuff otherwise
I agree about the skin, I keep trying to push the contrast on the skin, but I don't notice much changes. I even overlaid an 80 year old man's nose and cheeks on top, raised the contrast, copied and desaturated, contrasted, in Overlay Mode, I even hand-painted a couple veins and spots, it didn't seem to do much. I guess I just need to double down on all that.
I'll keep tweaking the hair.
And, I really love Marmoset - never used a software that was easier to get into.
I'm sad you're changing the nose, I liked it. Gave him a bit of a different look.
I do agree with the comments that the character is looking to clean for his own good.
Also to be super nit-picky I think the hair could use some more work too. You need some more hair-cards for different sections.
For instance, having some transition cards (small break up alphas ) to help the transition between skin-geo and full hair-card would really help the illusion of the hair. I really like how you the overall hair cards seem to clump up on the head. I can sorta see groups of hair within the cards much like in real life. You could also some have stray alpha cards for random hairs to break up the silhouette.
You could also apply the same technique to the beard too. As of right now, your beard seems really thin and linear. One technique would be to create groups of hair just like you did on your head. But with the smaller beard cards, to create the cluster of hair/beard groups.
nice work! oh and super cool comic by the way!
I don#t think it is that much about pulling it out more, but the opposite is would help i think. pull the back of his nose (don't know the right english word) further in. It will not change the face from the front but make his face overall more caucasian male. At least thats how he reads to me
the asians call us longnoses for a reason
the new updates are cool, but i am not sure what to make of that one strand that breaks it, it doesn't really look like a bad strand that doesn't want to follow his hairstyle. it just feels oddly placed, not naturally growing that way.
You mean the strand on his left, top of the forehead? I agree it's a bit unnatural, see what I can do.
sometimes i cant believe whats possible with this times engines...