Hi I will be uploading my forum posts that i have created for my university module showing my progress on my scene.
Feedback would be great as I would like this to go into my portfolio and get the best result possible.
The scene will be created in UE4
Focus Points
Possible Changes
Colour Palette
Colour Shades
Research Moodboards
Food Stands
Street Signs
Richshaw and Futuristic Vehicles
Looking at the scale compared to the signs on the building and how close each building is to each other hardly leaving any gap. Main purpose was to get a sense of scope for the scene and make it work in the chosen stage redesign.
Asset List (WIP)
List can change during design process and development if items are decided to be left out or use of textures change.
-Buildings x2 - different heights and windows layouts will be different.
-Food stands x2 Two different versions which I will turn into 3 by removing some stuff from one so it is different from the others for example like a roof could be taken off and size can be changed.
-Floor x2 - Would be something like two assets one for tram track and other for tiled floor texture and will be painted on using vertex painter to stop and seams from being seen and so that is it not noticeable that is a tiled texture.
-Signs x6 - 3 normal signs and 3 sci fi signs
-Drones flying around scene holding Lanterns Not a final Idea
-Air vent x1- will be repeated around scene
-Pipes x3 Will include a straight and corner pipe and a smaller straight pipe most likely half the size of the straight pipe.
-Boxes x2 Different textures they will just be scattered around the scene not really be a main asset that will be seen often.
-Power Lines x1
-Chairs x1
-Table x1
-Windows x1
Unique Pieces
- Tram Will be redesigned completely
- Rickshaw (could also be modular as I could create a stand with more rickshaws)
- Floor
- Walls
- Boxes
- Pipes
Trim Sheet
-Could be the signs on 2 different texture sheets
-Could have panels for food stands
- Tram
- Rickshaw
- Air vent
-Food stands
-Holograms for futuristic signs
Top View Designs
Showing basic layout just to give an idea of how the stage will be laid out also showing placements of signs, boxes and lanterns and camera position and the position of the fighters.
Delivery van is not final yet there just incase it does make it into the scene.
Basic Blockout getting idea of height and then will create basic modular pieces in 3ds max
Blockout Progress
Added in the windows and basic models for the food stands and a few signs on the buildings.
The camera angle has been changed so that the stage can be seen better compared to what was considered first in the view diagrams.
Updated Blockout
Once I had done the basic block out in Unreal Engine 4 using bsp decided to create the modular pieces in 3DS Max straight away into my second block out so that it gives me an idea of what size they need to be and make sure that everything is working correctly from the beginning.
Modular Pieces:
Blockout Screenshots
Highlighted the different variations of the windows.
Did a test of the final view to see how the looks at the moment ands see what Need improving or changing.
After having a look at the blockout it was clear some changes needed to be made and have been explained below.
Gathered More Research looking at the game Sleeping Dogs.
Looked at how the buildings have been placed together and the amount attention to detail has been placed to make it look realistic as possible from the moodboard it is clear that all the building as really close to each other leaving little gap between them.
Also shows how the game has been lit up with many different lights in the scene from the street signs and the reflections they cast on objects around the scene.
I have changed the signs and made new variations in different sizes and shapes. Also added some electrical wires across the buildings.
Any changes that anyone thinks can be made please let me know thanks
and rough sketches not the best drawing sbut good enough to give me a idea of what i want to to look similar too.
Drone Sketch WIP
Lao began Block out for food stands, Drone and tram.
This is the stage i am at the moment for my whole module.
Keep it up, this looks really promising
I have added more detail into the drone but not sure about how the lantern will hang from the drone at the moment this the way i have thought of but might be changed later as I have not decided if it will remain like that.
Also need to work out how to connect the drone to the wings so it looks like the wings can move around when the drone needs to turn and the wings can be controlled individually.
Keep at it! Looking good so far.
Tram Update
Going to call these two done and work on high poly version version later on once i have done other work
Scene at current stage added in the drones to give a idea of how they can be placed in the scene along with the hovering table and chairs.
Textured in substance painter
Set up in UE4
Thanks for the feedback yes this is the first pass on the material I just tried creating a basic texture to see how it looks and will add more colour variations
Thanks for the tip will have a look
Thanks for all the help
Wall Textures
Scene screenshot
Vertex paint will be used to get rid of the repetition and parts that do not m atch up correctly.
I have also model some wall decorations to go on the side walls near the front of the scene which will have a glowing light behind them and have also managed to get a working instance material created for the floor.
Also created a instance material thats stills needs work for the floor
y scene at the moment a basic emissive material has been applied to the signs as a place holder once i have created the texture sheet for the sign they will be replaced.
things still need doing
- Lanterns lighting needs to fixing making glow more then emit light onto the scene
- Pipes for the side walls need modelling
- Floor texture needs finishing
- Fans on the building need finishing
- Walls need to be vertex painted
- Sci fi windows need texturing
- Signs need to be textured
- Finish high poly of drone and tram
- Texture tram platform.
- Texture hover chair and table
- Texture food stands
- Hologram sign front of train saying fight in Chinese
If any knows hoe to create a nice metal materials for the signs could you please let me know thanks.
managed to get a working vertex shader working for the wall but the final result is not want I want as the texture is not blending correctly with the bricks and needs tweaking before it is finished.
Shader Setup
Moved a few signs to the foreground along with some hanging wires and the foreground was quite empty compared to background.
The signs have been textured with some basic background colours and the glowing text the final texture will have some signs will have dirt on the background also the signs still need sorting out as some of the text are upside down and not in the right direction and few are repeated next to each other which need moving. for the futuristic signs they will have a moving animation once I have created the text for them.
Assets Created
Hover chair and table
High Poly Drone
Feedback would be much appreciated for any changes I can make in the future in Presenting my work.
Updated Floor texture
Substance Painter
Tiled Metal Texture
Hovering Chair
Created using tutorial created by Julio Juarez http://3dbrushwork.com/
Hi Grungy Studios thanks for the feedback was not sure about the chair did have the same really the edge wear might be too much will decrease that and thanks for feedback on the air vent did not even think about that.
Textured tram track
Substance Painter
Tram Fight sign stand
Substance painter
I did have the colour scheme black and yellow at the beginning but decided that red looked and worked better.
Improved version with red instead of yellow
Looking at both I prefer the bottom one as the top has too much red but have not made a final decision yet.
Decided to go with less red and added in some white lights instead so when they move around the scene will give a nice effect with the other lights in the scene.
Final Hand in Semester 1
Hero View
Other Angles
Any changes that you make recommend would be appreciated as there is still things i want to change but feedback from other will help a lot.
Semester 1 scene Fly through
Over the next few weeks I will be improving my scene form the feedback given from my first semester and the feedback from polycount. The aim was to recreate a scifi version of the Chinese fighting stage bu keeping traditional elements through out the scene too.
Below are some of the problems I have noticed and have been told which will be fixed.
rom the feedback given from semester 1 it is clear that i need to work on the lighting in the scene and use of colour more colour needs to be added in and lighting needs sorting out also more character is required bay having hovering drones and floating chairs and tables my plan is to also add some waving cloth under the roof that I will be putting on both sides of the scene near the camera.
Textures also need some tweaking adding in more detail and hue and model just need little tweaking to make the normal maps pop out more and look better then it currently is.
Below I have highlighted some improvements that are need to make the scene even better before i start researching i wanted to write down what I will be changing so i know what to research and what industry work to look for.
1 - Windows could do with some better decals maybe cracks and dirt and have better reflections of the environment instead of just having it covered with dirt which does not look so great.
- Will also be making a few more unique windows as repetition is quite obvious at the moment which could be done by having some traditional wooden windows added instead of just having glowing lights and glass and maybe have the effect that the light is on in the room coming through the gaps of the wood.
2- Wall vertex paint needs tweaking as the concrete at the moment it is to sharp and needs to be softened more and needs to look as if it is on top of the bricks showing depth between the bricks and concrete instead of it has just be painted on top.
3- The floor needs more work doing to it to make the scene look much better need to add foliage on the floor in-between the bricks also ad some cracks and different colour variations with dirt painted on top too or using decals.
4- the chair and tables just need to have the colour changed instead of being black as it does not really work in this time of day and need more detailed added into the diffuse.
- Animation of then hovering will add more character and life to the scene
-maybe reduce the amount of water on the floor and have it as patches on the ground, I did have a plan of having it rain but will have to leave that tot he end if there is any time left and concentrate of improving the more important elements.
5-the traditional signage text will be modelled instead of a texture similar to what can be seen in the new street fighter 5 game and sleeping dogs which will be researched later this week and will be posted on the forum.
6-Drone needs to be re textured as it is to simple and needs more variation of colour and detailed added to it which will be done by looking more into drone designs and concepts looking at the colour scheme and how the match the scene they are intended for.
- Animation of them hovering will be added and shuttle light flashing will be added too.
7- To make the scene more interesting near the camera and less plain as the front is quite open compared to the back I will add in a Chinese styled tiled roof with support pillars and cloth hanging down and will be animated making the front more interesting and matching my plan from the beginning by having a mix of traditional china and futuristic elements together.
Also compared both scenes together by desaturating them and looking and what are the focal points and how the lighting is affecting the environment.
Looking at the comparison between the original and my first semester submission it is clear the original has a equal tone of lighting and is spread of around the scene equal and is dark in areas it should be like under the building where the food carts are. My scene on the other hand need work as I did not pay much attention to the lighting at the beginning and my scene has lighting all over the place is is to over powering at the top and at the bottom there is hardly any light making the you look at the top instead of the centre of the scene.
Added in as much detail as possible but will be adding in more detail with zbrush
After looking at my scene and thinking of what i can change I have decided to get rid of the shops and replace them with a wooden doors and wall like the building of the left at the front on the image below as this would work better then the shops which are not really working that well at the moment and did not really like them much from the beginning.
igns can not be seen because I forgot to make it double sided.
Also gathered a little more reference for the buildings and roof also looked at how hanging signs are used in Chinese and the style and pattern used.
Came across the following two concept art which I really liked as it looks similar to what i am trying to achieve with my scene they layout is great and the use of the signs and lighting works well and is what I should be aiming for my final result.
Also tested dust particle and created a basic particle system.
Also had attempt at creating light shafts for the windows on the sides to show the light coming through the windows not sure yet if they are working that well in the scene will need to tweak it a little and get my overall lighting for the scene done.
Light Shaft Material
Some Assets still need texturing and at the moment have basic material on them
Thanks angrymonkey I am currently studying my final year of games design at Staffordshire university.
Have finished this module now and have created my fly through of finished but any improvements you guys think i can make to make this good as possible for my portfolio please let me know thanks.