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New computer,any suggestions?

Hey folks,First of all thanks for taking time and reading this post.
I'm thinking about buying a new PC,since im working on a laptop and cant use 3dsmax without having lags.
I thought about something that doesn't cost more than 500.
and i want it to be capable of Open GL so i can run LYS
i would prefer a nvidia (if you dont think Nvidia is good for it then tell me please.)
Basically i wanna be able to run photoshop cs6 or 3dsmax without any lags.
Or arma 3 on highest settings :D (fluent of course)
*I would prefer a windows 7*
I never build my own pc so if you know where to buy a good one like this already built together,or have tips for me let me know please :).

Take care stay awesome.



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