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Sculpting A Head

polycounter lvl 7
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BlenderCube polycounter lvl 7
Learning how to create a head using sculptress, wanted to get some feedback and tips on creating heads and characters through sculpting, also wanted to dispel any bad habits before I pick them up.

few things I wanted to check on was the eyes, and mouth currently all I am using for the eyes are spheres, which i'm guessing will be totally wrong if I wanted to decimate this as a character and put them into a game, despite seeing so many artists use spheres. Another thing was the mouth, shouldn't this be slightly open if I wanted to animate the character later?

+ please give crits on proportions & alignments.



  • Magihat
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    Magihat ngon master
    I get the feeling that you haven't used any references since there is just so much wrong with the face's structure. I suggerst studiying the anatomy of a head before you even think of the idea of putting work into decemating and make this one fit for a game. Here is something to give you the general idea:


    The face is very squished forward, the nose is to small, the lips sticks out in a weird way since you haven't defined the upper lipmuscle at all. The neck is way too thin and the ear is too far front (it should be along the jawline, as pictured). The head is too backheavy and genreally too round. There is more but I think you would just be better off trying to fix the major things first. Also, the neck and torso makes no sense with how the collarbone and neckmuscles connect, they also shouldn't be as prominent as they are.

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  • BlenderCube
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    BlenderCube polycounter lvl 7
  • Jean-Pascal
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    Jean-Pascal polycounter lvl 5
    To add to what Magihat already mentionned, finding the planes of the head will also help you a lot.

    Here's an example:

    Finally, regarding your question about the mouth: it is unnecessary to sculpt the mouth open. You would add the mouthbag once the retopology of the head is finished.

    I hope that was helpful. :thumbup:
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