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The Monk

Hello everyone ! :)
I recently finished this game character exercise, I doubt it's really done and I hope to get back to it once I start working on my new demoreel.
This character is 27k triangles, was done in ZBrush, Maya, Mari, Photoshop and was rendered real time in Marmoset Toolbag.
I'm very open to critique and would love to hear your opinion.

Thank you very much !

Turntable: http://youtu.be/Cp_igHTJHi8






  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    really nice :) Maybe the skin are little shiny
  • skodone
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    skodone polycounter lvl 2
  • Boozebeard
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    Boozebeard polycounter lvl 11
    This guy really hates butterflies.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    Boozebeard wrote: »
    This guy really hates butterflies.
    Hahahah, made my day :)

    on a serious note though, looks pretty dope, good job!
  • Adar
    Thanks a lot guys ! :)
    Dragonar wrote: »
    really nice :) Maybe the skin are little shiny
    He is supposed to look sweaty, closer angles show sweat drops and droplets, but if you feel he's too shiny I could be missing something, what would you recommend?
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    Ahh ok I understand now :).

    I thought it was a figurine and not a sweaty man ^-^
    I feel that because you have a "big" white spots.
    I think it will be better if you have a small white spots.

    Like this :sueur.jpg

    But you said that we can see that on a close up

    So maybe can you make a close up ?
  • Adar
    Dragonar wrote: »
    Ahh ok I understand now :).

    I thought it was a figurine and not a sweaty man ^-^
    I feel that because you have a "big" white spots.
    I think it will be better if you have a small white spots.

    Like this :sueur.jpg

    But you said that we can see that on a close up

    So maybe can you make a close up ?

    Hey Dragonar, I uploaded some close ups !
    I feel that in the example you uploaded it looks like water and not sweat because the droplets are very big and the skin doesn't look as moist because the water isn't coming out of it.
    What do you think?


  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I do think he's a bit too shiny as a whole. I think the sweat works well on his head/parts of the face (maybe not so much around his nose), around the neck a bit, but everywhere else feels pretty clean and shiny, and therefore a bit like plastic. Keep in mind, sweat evaporates fairly quickly and the body doesn't sweat in even amounts all over the place.

    Maybe remove some of the sheen from his hands and portions of his torso/back, would help delegate the sweatiness to certain key areas. I also think his hands are feeling pretty stale at the moment, could do with some more texture love/color variation, throw some reds in there on parts.

    Looks sweet as a whole though. :thumbup:
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    I agree about the shininess of the sweat.

    I think the problem with that component is lack of contrast in where it shows up. For instance his fingers are as sweaty as his chest, and his chest is as sweaty as his face.

    Introducing some contest could help get it more dialed in. People tend to sweat on their face (t-zone), and their chest and armpits, but rarely do their shoulders sweat, or their fingers.

    Sweat also tends to bead on open skin, giving you brighter spots. What I read in your image is more like glitter, too small to read well from a distance.

    Good stuff though, like the eyes and pose.
  • Dragonar
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    Dragonar polycounter lvl 10
    ok I can see better with the close up. You are right it's water exemple and not sweat but for me it still too shinny. And I agree with ysalex maybe add more contrat.

    by the way the pores of skin are a little big for me. They are dilated after it's logical because he sweat but I don't know why it's strange for my eye ^-^
  • Adar
    I completely agree with you guys, thanks so much, I will work on it next time around :)
  • CJE
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    CJE polycounter lvl 13
    Looking good. I really like the treatment you gave the cloth.

    The only thing I may have done in terms of the rendermesh was add some more definition to smooth out the shoulder, it's a pretty large focal point and you can see the low-poly aspect to it slightly. I would have taken some out of the calf area perhaps.

    Other than that, looking good!
  • PrimePriest
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    PrimePriest polycounter lvl 3
    I agree with guys above. Try adding some variation to sweat. Torso and forehead look ok, hands and nose though seem kinda off.

    The clothing however looks dope! Especially satin kimono piece.
  • Grusti
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    Grusti polycounter lvl 10
  • Adar
    Thanks so much !
    I agree with the critique, I believe I will add another edge loop to better the shape of the shoulder and of course give more love to the sweat.
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