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Autodesk to go subscription-based only



  • Thane-
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    Thane- polycounter lvl 3
    Make art or else!..........?

    Why do you care about what i do and why do you think its okay to be rude to someone for not posting art? Thats what we're talking about here. Also, do i get to be rude back without getting banned (yeah right...!)? You have no idea what im trying to accomplish, what my life is like, theres a million things somebody could be doing that would explain their lack of posts containing art. And i don't complain very much, when do i complain? My complaints against Quixel's product were totally valid, i got fucked over by them and lost many weeks worth of work based on following their claims about their software, and i POLITELY told them so. You want me to post more stuff? Why? This forum is full of people posting stuff. What if im not interested in art at all? What if i like games so much, i was drawn to art only to make games better? Not valid enough?

    Why should i care about what others think when it all comes down to shapes and colors and someone's brain's interpretation of those shapes based on some endorphin flow? Do you like triangle or circle shapes more, angled or rounded? Likewise, and just as equally valid, why should they care about MY brain's endorphin flow while looking at their art? The most valid advice is ONLY our guess as to what their eventual audience's preferences or shapes and colors will likely be, otherwise we are doing them a disservice. If money is the goal, then only the audience's 100% valid opinions matter. Wait till you get older and you start to see the world more like Neo sees the Matrix, just wait...its coming. Based on my own experience, i think its part of the reason that older folks have higher suicide rates, its depressing to think of everything as an arrangement of atoms in motion.

    If there is some behavior requirement, it should be put up in the sign up form, don't just start treating people like shit because you don't like the subject matter. Or, give me permission to also be rude back without getting banned, that would be dandy.

    Maybe get out there and get a job where you are asked to rub on something as hard as you can for the next 8 hours such as sanding something on your knees and reaching out as far as you can on a ladder, all while wearing a lead dust suit in 80+ degree weather, covered in sweat all day with the dust sticking to your skin, all day. I've worked for 24 different companies, had all sort of different bosses, some who yelled, some who called hours before the alarm clock went off every morning,  always hit the ground running wanting to go the extra mile for the sake of the company, but was under-paid purposely almost every time to my belated and horrid realization. Maybe do that, half of that, then you'll understand why some people's priorities don't start with posting for fun instead of posting to pay the bills.

  • radiancef0rge
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    radiancef0rge ngon master
  • MrHobo
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    MrHobo polycounter lvl 14
    Thane- said:
    ... some people's priorities don't start with posting for fun instead of posting to pay the bills.

    Maybe Im misreading this, but how exactly does one post to pay the bills? Im thinking I might be int he wrong line of work.
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    Man I read all of that and I still don't understand what you're actually trying to say Thane. Can you use bullet points next time? Preferably no more than 5 per post.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    Thanes general point is valid, amidst the splurge of frustration

    theres always been several ways to use the community, more so since the expansion, and for a user to tell another what the 'correct' way is, is not on. 
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    hmm. Typed out a long, post, deleted it. Just gonna get some popcorn instead.
  • Jakro
  • Michael Knubben
    Not all criticism is anger, Thane.
    More importantly though, please turn to someone more capable to help than us.

    That could be a suicide hotline for the short-term, but for the long term you may want to find a mental-health professional to discuss what makes you feel this way, and what changes you can make to feel better.

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