So there's a thing I've been wanting to try for a while but have never been able to process out the mechanics of it. It's a specific art style that looks terrible when static, but could look really beautiful in motion (that's according to my brain so I might be wrong).
Start with this:
Now everywhere you have black in the image you have a completely transparent mask showing a static and stationary image in the background. The image of the dungeon itself would be highly mobile, zooming in and out, allowing the static image's grain to flavor the completely transparent line work. The whites in the image wouldn't be 100% Opaque. Depending on how important a character or object is, or how much lighting is impacting the scene, you would have those objects raising and lowering in transparency to give everything both a sense of depth and life.
I've been trying to figure out a way to do this in photoshop and it's simple when handled as a single, static image. Putting it together, with a character or two, in an animated gif is a bit outside of my skill set at the moment, because near as I can tell you would have to have masks affecting masks and affecting masks. The transparencies of foreground objects would have to obscur background objects while still having the same background image appearing through the black outline that all the objects shared, if that makes any sense.
I imagine this would be really easy to do with some sort of shader setup, but I'm trying to find a way to do this in 2D.
Any ideas?