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interior design/arch viz piece

polycounter lvl 4
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Phaeton1911 polycounter lvl 4
hey guys, i'm planning on applying for an internship at a local arch viz studio, they've invited me to come check the place out and have a chat.

ive been practicing my vray stuff
tell me what you think/whats wrong with this shot:

i know my soft surface stuff sucks like the sofa and curtains and theres the black edges on the windows.
oh and the lack of materials at this stage, but this is a lighting and general layout and proportions stage



  • Xyrtae
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    Xyrtae polycounter lvl 6
    I don't have any experience with Vray so I can't give any technical advice on how to do better, but I can give you some composition advice.

    The first issue that pops out to me is the color of the lighting you are using, it is too yellowish and more akin to the color of light that an incandescent bulb would give of not natural lighting, also the angle of the lighting I feel is to sharp, it looks like the light if facing directly into the room.

    one thing I suggest is clearly writing down relevant information such as time of day, what direction the windows are facing, weather, etc. all of these affect the lighting of your scene and how it will be perceived, with its mood and realism.

    for example a scene that is at noon on an overcast day with windows facing south will have more desaturated ambient lighting, while a scene that is at sunset on a clear day with windows facing west will have a more saturated orangeish red color with sharper lighting.

    also I will link my favorite lighting article that is on the wiki http://www.itchy-animation.co.uk/light.htm

    and remember lighting by itself is also an art, even if it's for production so have fun with it.

    I hope this helps you a bit

    Edit: also don't forget to plan your materials as well they affect your lighting too, different materials like wood, metal, varnish, and tile all carry and reflect lighting differently.

    a piece of work that has been properly planned out will always appear better than a piece where the artist just "winged it"

    also I personally would have the camera at a more dynamic angle instead of straight on, it would add more depth and liveliness to the scene.
  • Phaeton1911
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    Phaeton1911 polycounter lvl 4
    thanks man, excellent response, points me in the right direction for sure.

    ive finished up the physical part of the scene and played a little with lighting effects but im struggling with colour, cant get a nice whiteish blue tone going, but this soft yellow isnt too bad.

    something about the scene is still very cushy and mute though, and the windows are all wrong.

  • veljko-lemonade
    i like it! but it is a long way from finished...lets see how it develops
  • Phaeton1911
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    Phaeton1911 polycounter lvl 4
    got basic materials in
    over exposed it a bit but the colour is better now.
    im struggling with the reflections of the window and with the beige light shades.
    i cant get it to render the sky map

  • Xyrtae
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    Xyrtae polycounter lvl 6
    You have Definitely improved it a lot, I am really liking that muted blueish tone, it give the scene a calming homey look to it.

    I am glad I could be of some help.
  • Phaeton1911
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    Phaeton1911 polycounter lvl 4
    thanks again Xyrtae

    another update, fixed the window issue, tweaked a few minor settings and did some basic photoshop post production, its come along quite fast in the last day or so.

  • RobertWhen
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    Your designs really needs round of applause.you just did a great job and even a finest one.The existence of wool carpet on the floor would have added a charm.Still your work in appreciated.
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