Hi there Polycount,
For a school project I am trying to learn both PBR and Unreal Engine 4.
After making a couple of modular wall pieces and importing them into UE4 I'm experiencing some weird (what I guess are light) seams between my wall meshes.
My question is if someone else has had this problem or a similar one. Or even better, a possible solution.
Things I have tried:
- Made a second uv set with enough padding.
- Bumped the lightmap res all the way up to 256 to see if that was my problem.
- Edited the normals inside of 3ds Max to make them point in exactly the same direction.
The problem inside of UE4 (right-hand side)

I've also noticed the problem isn't there when viewed in Marmoset

Is the UE4 image after a light build?
Yes, the seams appear before and after the light bake.
Thank you very much for the links. I have been searching for similar problems, but I guess the keywords I used were wrong because I didn't come across any similar fixes!