I'm Sam Son and I really liked the world presented in Studio Ghibli's
The Secret World of Arriety and wonky shapes is pretty awesome. So I'm making a wonky, miniature, 3D Environment. As for the engine, I'll probably will use unity but I am considering UE4 because that PBR looks delicious. On another note, I might have accidentally sniffed some fiberglass insulation in the process of research (I learned that maybe I shouldn't).
As for the game, I'm imagining this as a co-operative, first-person, action-platforming, explorative, crafting, survival game with a lot of survival being about managing your tools, your physical and mental health. But that's not about the environment so I'll leave it at that.
The actual environment is going to be roughly based in South Korea, Seoul, in the 90s (how I remember it with my terrible memory+internet research) and it will be the home/base of the main characters/players.
Here's my blocked-out layout of the environment.
And a shot to describe the environment in one image.
So on the art side, this is basically visual manifesto.
Here's some of my early sketches.
Process stuff/logs
I started this project thinking I'll hand-paint everything. I realized I probably don't have the time for that this semester I want a lot of assets to give it that cluttered, warm, home-y feel.
I have the choice of either:
A. Still going to the hand-painted route and having the project potentially bleed over to next semester and beyond
B. Using PBR and some kind of simpler texturing method
Probably should have decided this early on ;;
Also, after being satisfied with the initial layout I fell into hesitation and played around with different layout ideas.
Eventually I came back to the original layout and made the space more interesting.
I'll post updates as much as I am able. Thanks for your time and any comments and feedback would be awesome.
Hand painted textures would fit nicely in your scene