I was watching the eat 3d animation DVD for Maya and thought the rig controllers - basically a circle around the centre of the bone which is larger in diameter than the mesh body/limb - was a good intuitive way to animate.
How do I set this up for max? (I have max 2010)
I've tried making a circular spline and linking it but that doesn't work, as when I rotate the spline it doesn't rotate the biped.
I looked into editing the biped bone mesh and attaching the spline (after converting it to a mesh). This will muck up the skinning vertex weightings though and I can't hide the bones while keeping the controllers visible.
Help please.
Example of circle rig controller:

"but CAT for sure has a built in utility that allows you to right click on a bone and assign a control object of your choice."
"Havent´tried other helpers due to the fact that Biped is evil"