There must be something I'm missing here but I've been looking around trying to find the answer. If I missed it my apologies but this is really driving me insane. Basically how do I export the full res texture when I am done?
So I create the project with the full texel density but my work resolution I've set to 50%. How do I then export the textures at 100%? Everything I've tried seems to export the half res textures.
so if you set it to 100% in the exporter but it still only exports your 50% workresolution, i would probably open the reimporter and set the workrez to 100%, regenerate and then export again.
Just as Goeddy suggests you need to set your project to 100% before exporting, through "reimport inputs". The quality selection in the exporter only affects what is already in your project. So just reinport inputs and set quality at 100% before export you should be good to go