Is it possible to cycle through move/ rotate/ scale in max? more like how unreal engine work. Searching through google doesn't seem to give any answer

The thing that makes me confuse is that we can't check the state of what transform tool currently on, the code is just simply max move/ max rotate/ max scale, there is no true or false there. Without any boolean value, are we able to cycle between the three?
More info here:
Anyway, so you have some tips to search this kinda 'tricky' code? I never thought that main toolbar has it's own script to control the items inside (even though those items already removed from the main toolbar).
Another thing that I'm struggling to find is that sometimes the code is just for 'toggle' function, what I need is a code to turn on or turn off separately, not toggle, but couldn't find the solution either. Example; turn on or off command panel.
Generally just search help for something close enough. Another one is looking at people's code that kind of do the same thing.