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SWAT Series

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Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
Red team; breach, bang, and clear! Blue, deploy a glowstick!

God I miss this series, and played it to hell and back when I was younger (namely SWAT 3, never did get a chance to get SWAT 4. For some strange reason there's no place to buy a download of it and a physical copy costs $200 on Amazon?!?!).

Does anyone think there will ever be a SWAT 5 or something similar? I finally bought Rainbow Six Raven Shield this week on steam and while I'm enjoying it, I really miss the whole range of tactics, equipment, and overall mechanics SWAT 3 had. (Getting suspects to drop their weapons, less-than-lethal tactics, having two teams to command as the element leader)

You'd think SWAT 5 would be the perfect game to create in this day-and-age due to the nature of how each level is complete on its own and can be rather small in size (the first mission is a tiny suburban house). They could DLC it to hell for all I care as long as it felt like the next SWAT game :)

Anyone else miss this series, or am I just suffering from a horrible case of nostalgia?


  • amartinez
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    amartinez polycounter lvl 8
    The first rainbow six's had all that if I recall correctly? Full pre-mission customization, you would select your teams leads, members of different nationalities and expertises, map waypoints, sync points (where the team ls wait for others and for orders before breaching and clearing), perma death, etc. up to four teams at once. Death was instant and unforgiving. Insanely deep, I would spend more time on the preparation phase than the action phase... nowadays we have dumbed down games with checkpoints every five minutes and if you get hit you crouch and cover long enough to come back fully refreshed. I don't think a swat 5 game would see the day of light in this age :-(
    I encourage you to play the first ones, although I didn't play raven shield nor the SWAT franchise.
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 11
    God i miss it terribly . I love both SWAT and Rainbow. There are no tactical shooters anymore that stay true to what it should be. In a world of all the health regen crap but im excited to rainbow seige
  • Clark Coots
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    Clark Coots polycounter lvl 13
    Rainbow 6 was a fun game, some of the other Tom Clancy games back then like Ghost Recon were not as tactical but punishing if you weren't careful or your soldiers got hit.

    Not really a shooter but Full Spectrum Warrior also comes to mind. I dont think you could deck out your units but it was pretty neat to control 2 squads of soldiers around in combat, setting up suppressing fire and flanking maneuvers.

    XCOM again not a 1st person shooter but incorporates tactics and solider customization and planning and adapting to the battlefield.

    The upcoming Rainbow Six Siege looked pretty interesting though, even if it doesnt fall into the hardcore tactical shooter genre. Loved the destructible environments shown.
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    I only played SWAT 4's single player campaign. It was solid, got a little repetitive towards the end.

    You know what bugged me most, though? There was no resolution after any of the missions. You saw horrific things - serial killers holding hostages, cultists who had mass-murdered their children - and there was no resolution to any of those stories. You were just dumped into the next mission.

    It was intensely distressing in a way I didn't expect. I wanted to know what had happened to the hostages we'd rescued and the criminals we'd arrested.

    It bothered me enough I barely finished the game.
  • rino
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    rino polycounter lvl 12
    DKK wrote: »
    Swat 4 was awesome, If anyone doesn't know it was developed by Irrational games, and Ken Levine. which the first three were not as far as I know.

    yup swat 4 was excellent. great to play with friends.
  • thatanimator
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    thatanimator polycounter lvl 6
    loved swat4 and all the rainbow games up until raven shield. the console rainbows are all crap. and so are the ghost games, even the early xbox360 one, whatever it was called.

    if they made a swat5 today it would be open world where you drive around a city with your swat mates in a van, crashing into pedestrians and other vehicles while speeding away to some mission. shooting every terrorist or bank robber or hostage taker in the head, not caring about how you enter the mission or what gear to use.. just take whatever sounds the loudest.
    and of course regen health.

    the upcoming rainbow thing looks promising, but could fail ofc
  • joarwho
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    joarwho polycounter lvl 5
    I really miss real tactical shooters. Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon are two of my favorite series (before they turned into simplistic action games with some minor tactical elements).

    You guys should check out this game 'Due Process', it looks promising. The art isn't done yet so the game looks kinda crap but the gameplay looks very intriguing.

    Alpha trailer:
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2Wu0hOSOyA"]Due Process: Alpha Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

    More gameplay:
  • baalnazzar
    It's not nostalgia... There are just no games like that anymore. I like action shooters but I miss more tactical ones too. I've been playing SWAT 4 both singleplayer and coop with my friend a lot. It was really hard to go through missions with just two of us :D Yeah, this game has given me lot of fun.
  • Sculptaur

    Check out Ground Branch if you haven't already, Kinda somewhere between Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six. It's been in development a long time but its starting to gain momentum again.

  • Jacky
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    Jacky polycounter lvl 11
    The first mission of Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear...it's raining outside the museum, one of the hostages comes out and says "Am i safe now?" and you start the mission. I'll never forget that moment because i failed that mission so many times. :D And that soundtrack awesomeness... The first game i ever played on my first PC.

    And then came SWAT 3 with an awesome trailer in a PC magazine's CD, and i remember how excited i was for SWAT 4 for its awesome enemy AI that could trick you while lowering their weapon.

    This thread made me miss those days when we had smarter enemies with every new game. Now they slap multiplayer in your face and you think you are playing Rainbow Six(yes, i'm talking about Rainbow Six Siege...)

    Oh well. It's good to see that i'm not the only one hoping for a SWAT 5 sometime in the future. :)
  • amartinez
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    amartinez polycounter lvl 8
    @Jacky: yes the music!

    Just remembered, Used to put the cd of the 1st on the CD player. When the cd was both the game AND the soundtrack.
  • joarwho
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    joarwho polycounter lvl 5
    Haven't there been a Rainbow Six inspired game on Kickstarter? I think I heard of it like a year ago. Anybody know if it got funded?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I remember buying Swat 4 solely to mess with the engine, normal maps in UE2 a year prior to the first UE3 game we could get our hands on, Roboblitz.
  • MiAlx
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    MiAlx polycounter lvl 10
    joarwho wrote: »
    Haven't there been a Rainbow Six inspired game on Kickstarter? I think I heard of it like a year ago. Anybody know if it got funded?

    Yes it did, if you mean Takedown: Red Sabre, but according to the reviews and so on, it wasn't quite what it was hyped up to be. Lots of bugs and what not.

    Sculptaur already mentioned it, but my hopes are that Ground Branch is going to be great, certainly seems like it at the moment. The dev(s) are trying to start another kickstarter as far as I know, but this time they will provide a playable demo, so people can actually see what they are funding.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    It also seems neither of those two focus on nonlethal options, something that made swat3/4 unique. Ground Branch still looks cool though, cheers for the link.
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    I just rebought SWAT 3 on gog and I gotta say it still holds up to its former glory (well, it did bring back memories of how awesome I thought it was when the characters actually blinked in their texture maps XD )

    And oh god I forgot how hard it was searching through the hospital level looking for the randomly placed suitcase bombs. HUD map markers have made me soft.

    Seriously though, I miss this level of thought and design in most modern games. (and don't take me as a crazy person, I still play and love a lot of today's games and don't mind streamlining if done correctly; a horrible interface is a horrible interface)

    It's just the little touches like the AI throwing down a glowstick on it's own without ordering them to. It isn't necessarily as "epic" or trailer-worthy as a skyscraper being blown to smithereens, but it adds a sense of reality and even helps the player know if they cleared an area (cough*hospital*cough).

    And my god, they even have paragraphs talking about the types of boots SWAT members use and it isn't even an item you can swap out. The most I see these days is a one liner like "The AK-47 is popular world-wide." Pleaaaase bring this type of game back game industry, pleaaaase. It's around the same philosophy of how you could actually drive the aircraft carrier bases around in BF 1942. Sure it was boring as hell and moved like a snail. Yeah if someone was a troll they could drive it off of the map. But damn it, it was amazing to be able to do!

    Excuse me while I go use my opti-wand to peak around corners. /end lunatic rant
  • joarwho
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    joarwho polycounter lvl 5
    MiAlx wrote: »
    Yes it did, if you mean Takedown: Red Sabre, but according to the reviews and so on, it wasn't quite what it was hyped up to be. Lots of bugs and what not.

    Sculptaur already mentioned it, but my hopes are that Ground Branch is going to be great, certainly seems like it at the moment. The dev(s) are trying to start another kickstarter as far as I know, but this time they will provide a playable demo, so people can actually see what they are funding.

    Yeah, Takedown was the game I was talking about. Too bad the game turned out to be crap. Ground Branch seem interesting though. I did some googling and found out that they also had a Kickstarter back in 2012, too bad the project only got like 25% of their goal. But I'm glad that they're adopting the early access model. I think that would be the best option for this kind of game.
  • MiAlx
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    MiAlx polycounter lvl 10
    joarwho wrote: »
    Yeah, Takedown was the game I was talking about. Too bad the game turned out to be crap. Ground Branch seem interesting though. I did some googling and found out that they also had a Kickstarter back in 2012, too bad the project only got like 25% of their goal. But I'm glad that they're adopting the early access model. I think that would be the best option for this kind of game.

    Oh, so instead of a Kickstarter they will go for Early Access? For some reason I thought they wanted to start a second kickstarter.

    Anyway, I am normally not a fan of early access, but I agree, that would really be a good option for a game like that.
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