Having a bit of a struggle coming up with an effective workflow for building stone brick walls. Wondering if some you could share some wisdom on the subject.
I have a tillable texture that I am pretty happy with but the bit that's getting me is using it effectively and how to add in geometric details like individual bricks without taking for ever.
My workflow so far has been this:
-Sculpt the highpoly wall section in zbrush
-Make lowpoly and back the details from the highpoly (should note at this point there are no brick details that all comes from my tileable texture
-Go into photoshop and overlay the brick normal, diffuse etc onto the bases
Its not a very effective workflow and my assets are a little last gen looking with the surfaces being so flat here a link to my wip topic so you can get an idea of my results so far
Getting pretty frustrated with it all so any help would be very welcome.
