I'm having a lot of problems with texture mapping in 3ds max and i need help... i are modeling a MK7 race track, the road modelling is done, but, i don't know exactly how can i create the road mapping, i already tried a lot of different techniques to do that, but nothing works, i will explain with images whats happened:
That's is the track
The size of the polygons sets how stretch textures are, then some road parts looks good, and some parts looks horrible:
And that is how UVs looks like
My question is, there's a way to make all polygons automatically have the same size? Like that example:
Please, how can i made a road texture like that:
Looks like that in a curved 3d object:
We have some tutorials here on the wiki.
What have you tried so far? It always helps to show what you've done, so people can offer suggestions.
After modeling is complete, you can use Spline Mapping in the Unwrap UVW modifier.
Spline Mapping tutorial
Spline Map Parameters Dialog
1. create your plane for the road
2. uv map it while its still straight rather than complicating things and doing it while it's bent.
3. then path deform it to a spline
Unless you are using multiple UV channels, your 3 UVW modifiers will overwrite each other, only the top one will actually do anything. Model the road with a spline, check the create UV button and make it renderable or sweep it.....that'll make the road evenly wide too with proper UVs.
Iliadis: you've already got a thread for this - you should keep it contained to the one thread.