Hey all,
I am trying to create a 512x512 seamless texture for terrain in unity3D
The seamless part is non issue, right now I am having trouble with lighting of the texture before I begin.
So here is the photo that I have just tiled before I begin editing

You can see the top left is darker than the bottom right, and I am unsure how to "Level" out the lighting of photo
I am using Photoshop CS6, if anyone can help out or link me to a tutorial it would be appreciated
Here's one method:
I needed to preserve the existing contrast, so I couldn't use High Pass like that tutorial. So I went into Quick Mask mode, and used the Gradient tool to make a selection that fades in towards the too-bright corner (red everywhere else). I used that selection as a Layer Mask for a Curves adjustment layer. I'll see if I can dig up a tutorial that covers this.
Also it helps to use a tile previewer, so you can quickly see if your changes are going in the right direction
I was also PM'd in regards to this and the link they sent was relevant to this also
Thanks again!
It's a shame someone sent that in a PM instead of posting here on the forum, where others could have seen it too. Threads like this come up in searches, so future eyes will see it too. That's why I always try to answer tech questions on the forum instead of via PMs.