"Sculpt and Design Creatures part 1" is out!
Hey guys, I did few
free tutorials a while ago about Zbrush and decided to release my first paid one on gumroad.This time with English voice over! Although the theme is overexposed and there are hundreds of creature related tuts out there, I hope the way I approached mine is a bit different and helpful.
In this tutorial I wanted to show my preferred way of sculpting organic models using dynamesh as well to share with you some basic design principles that help to add variety and contrast. The tutorial is done in a similar fashion like my free sci-fi gun series on youtube - meaning it is packed with info, overlaid examples and demonstrations.
For full description and what you will get check here:
I'll be happy to answer any of your questions and would love to hear your comments!
Cgzen on gumroad:
Cgzen on youtube (free tutorials):
Cgzen on facebook (ask questions):
Use PayPal.
Thank you, Neil!
* Sample creature bust ztl - I think of something with only primary and secondary forms no details, so the people learning from this tutorial will have something to test the detailing techniques.
* Russian subtitles.