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Sci-Fi environment in need of feedback!

polycounter lvl 9
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deod116 polycounter lvl 9
Hi polycount people!

I would like to have some feedback on this environment iv'e been working on a while ago, i didn't finish at that time, but i can finally find some time to make the changes needed to make this environment complete (not immediately tho). So I thought of gathering as much info and feedback as i could to make the changes, and to make an awesome environment.

Atm i get the feel of it being very empty and generic, so any tips on how i could spice it up and make it more living would be also nice!

Here is a recording of the environment with me just running around.









  • amartinez
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    amartinez polycounter lvl 8
    (Warning: not an environment expert... not even an environment noob : p)
    Technically it looks very well executed. Lighting, shaders/materials, bloom/glow effects, etc.

    I do feel too the "empty and generic" vibe.
    1st screenshot: everything looks good except the ceiling that looks flat and too low maybe?. Also, is that a metal handle on the left that runs along the wall? If it is metal/painted metal, some reflections might help.
    2nd screenshot: now, this ceiling looks a lot more interesting. The prop door/wall in the middle looks great by itself too.

    Overall, maybe a higher ceiling, and cables? Big fat red, orange cables running around, tubes, etc. Something that breaks the consistent "flat walls" (in quotes -> they are not flat at all, looking closer they are well detailed)
    I.e. 5th screenshot, you have some pods on the bottom of the wall, but nothing in the middle. Maybe some of them could have some tubes, cables to break 'nothing in the middle of the wall' from one to the next.
    A lift in the middle of that room would probably look great.

    I think I would try to pimp-up one of those screens, the one that inspires you the most, see what comes up and then try to migrate that to the rest of the sections.
  • RexM
    Try to give the scene a purpose. Why is it there? What kinds of things would this area be used for?

    That'll help with the generic feel as well. It looks like a solid scene so far, push it a bit further and it'll be amazing.
  • Marshkin
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    Marshkin polycounter lvl 9
    A very solid start so far! I agree with the above comments, but I'd also like to add that my first impression was that nothing was quite in focus. In the first image you have some depth of field, but the center generator panels, which I'm assuming were intended as the focus point, still read a bit blurry.
  • aimeeabbott
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