I wanted to toss open a thread to showcase a WIP of a Dewalt Jigsaw I have been working on for the past 3 weeks. I mostly been seen in the Weekly Hard Surface Challenge, after 22 weeks I decided to branch off and begin making my portfolio models. I wanted to do a mechanical power-tool and discovered the jigsaw (I am also working on an environment alongside of the jigsaw so spacing out my time. I will complete this model hopefully by end of October alongside of my environment as my first 2 folio pieces)
Thus far I have completed majority of the model and am going through and doing some cleanup before adding my support and finishing off my High Poly.
I will update the thread in the upcoming weeks as I progress towards finishing the piece
Here one of the references I used there many more online
Dewalt Jigsaw Reference
Medium Poly with no support loops trying to nail down any problems before finishing the piece and moving towards the LP

Left Side View

Right Side View

As for the modeling I kept the mesh towards how it pertain to the real life object, so each part is separate in the center as the other side has a different function (for example the handle has the screw holes on the right that holds it in place, and the control area left side adjust the speed while the right lowers the saw). I noticed that I didn't show the right side (just updated the thread with that view).
When I make the low poly I am aiming for 10k tri and will try to cut back as much as I can to reach that goal, so far the blockout is at 30k with 6k being the bolts at the front/back at the battery and anything else will be nDo
Finished the High Poly and setup a quick composition render, will improve for my last render. Will be moving on to the low poly then bake and update the thread then.
Finished the Low Poly + Bake then went in and added the minor details in NdO. I setup the render just like the high poly to capture the bake and the differences (just a quick render for now). I ended with 14k tri and 16k with the handle/bolts unsmoothed, for future models I will model more deep extruded shapes (I only opted out of a few) instead of trying to fake it on the normal
@Spiffy: Sure ill post all my maps once I finish the Jigsaw after the texture pass should have it completed by the end of the month (I am also working on a environment which I also started the texturing pass, hence the time gaps)
@ZippZopp: Yeah I only got as detailed and accurate as the dozen of reference images I collected. If I had a vehicle I would of loved to have visited HomeDepot/Lowes and had a good look at a display model
Thanks for the tip, I will keep it in mind. I wasn't to worried about the end polycount as-long as it was below 15k, as it more to showcase my modeling/baking skills. I already see a couple of spots I could definitely cut down and other spots that could use a little extra geometry
My father has a hard-wood jewelry boxes/cigar humidors/cutting boards/etc, workshop with all kinds of these tools (I think he even has the dewalt jigsaw you made), and the area is literally cooooooooooooooooovered in sawdust.
I'd have to go look more closely at the tools, but I'm pretty sure sawdust leaves more of a white-powdery type of dirt look to the tools than brown/black, which would be especially noticeable in the black areas. The color usually depends on the type of wood being cut predominately. (mahogany being different from tiger maple)
Then again... your dirt works too, especially if the sawdust was dusted off/vacuumed
Yeah I have a reference with sawdust on it I just couldn't recreate the effect in painter with it particle system as it just looked like small bumps on the model instead of flakes floating ontop. May be something I can create in Maya using its particle system and flake it over the model. Ill have to continue to fiddle with painter, I seen adding hair strands tutorial aswell.
I see, I had it a little whiter but it wasn't picking up to much in Marmoset so I browned it a bit more and dry it out as if it has been dusted off (as if it was taken to a job site outdoors and the dirt just gathered). It can cut metal aswell so ill have to looked into what type of residue that leaves overtime
Yeah think it will be something I will model like the sticker on the battery as that look like it will come off easier , I have a dewalt handsaw as a reference that had the sticker peeling off
Thanks learned a ton from my first folio piece, picked up 2 new software