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My First Character Concept

Hello everyone,

I have chosen to create my first character concept. I'm not really sure which direction to go with the concept, but for right now I just want to get the proportions correct and I am having a bit of trouble with that.

I have begun my sketch but I can't help but notice that there seems to be something (or many things) wrong with the proportions, and I was hoping some of you fine fellows would be able to help me out and point out my problem areas.

While sketching this guy, I used many different reference images, mainly just to try to get the form right. I also used guidelines and made sure that I drew him 8 heads tall.



  • skodone
    Offline / Send Message
    skodone polycounter lvl 2

    this should help you a lot :)
    theres detailed pictures to everything, proportions muscles etcetc
  • Valkarai
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    Skodone - thank you for that link to all those references. :) I have not run across that resource yet.

    I will have to do some comparisons after work today, and post my progress.
    Hoping to get a side view done tonight so I can begin blocking out the model tomorrow.
  • Valkarai
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    Here's an update on my progress for today. I have added topology that I think will be good for a base mesh, and thanks to the reference given by skodone I feel like I have taken care of some of the problem areas, though I still feel like the legs are off. :poly141: What do you guys think?


    I have also decided on the direction I want to go with this character. I have put together a reference sheet. Kind of a Dark Souls feel.

  • skodone
    Offline / Send Message
    skodone polycounter lvl 2
    somehow i have the feeling you should have a look at breastmuscle, shoulder and neck again :)
    the neck muscle seems quite big and the shoulder a bit flat and the breast a bit thin

    apart from that im really looking forward to the sculpt ;)
  • Valkarai
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    I didn't make as much progress as I wanted to today, but I have decided to change my workflow up a bit. I tend to get a bit ambitious and start modeling before I have a fully developed concept and it never ends up looking right in the end.

    Here is the slight update on my progress. I have rounded out his shoulders and breastplate, and also made him slightly thinner. I feel like this guy is good enough to start dressing him up in some armor tomorrow. (I still would like to get the guys proportions as close as I can so critiques are extremely helpful :))


    btw, thanks for the support, I know it's not much now but I promise it WILL get better :D
  • Valkarai
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    Started the base mesh. I still need to tweak the neck, ankles, and wrists, I feel they are too thin. I did thin his overall structure.
    I really would like to perfect this base mesh so I can use it for multiple characters, so any help at all would be greatly appreciated!

  • skodone
    Offline / Send Message
    skodone polycounter lvl 2
    the only thing that pops to my eye, is that it looks flat, the lines in the front view are so straight the model looks flat i think some curviness in there would do good, but the rest looks really good!
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