Hi guys allow me to ask several questions. I learn from tutorials and I can understand almost everything on modelling, UV mapping, paint weight tool, except rigging.
Here I learned from digital tutors, but the tutor doesn't explain well :
1) Why do you have to orientate the joints to the next joints? For example, from knee to heel, heel to toe (X Y and Z axis)
2) Why should you need a locator to before putting controller?
3) This one is tricky, because I see many different kinds of joints they do for foot joints. Why there are like intersecting foot joint for foot roll? (extra joint between heel and toe)
4) I tried using controller without locator, I used parent constraint but the joint translated back to origin (0,0,0) why is this happening?
Please do answer 1 or 2 or if possible all of these,

1. I think this is just to have a clean rig and to avoid popping issues when apply IKs.
2. The orient locators? Bcoz if you constrain them (the joint to the control object) without passing through the locator the joint will flip or just ruin your joint orientation
3.the reverse foot joint is for added extra controls for the foot for easier life for animators (I'm guessing its a lot easier to key walk cycles with those)
4. because no.2
1)Dire is right consistency, not just for that situation but if you twist a controller, you expect every other object that can twist to twist on the same axis
2)I would disagree with locators before controllers, use 2 empty groups instead, the first group is the offset, so it stores the world position of the controller, the second group has clean transforms because it is parented to the first group, this makes driven keys or node setups really simple because you will be dealing with 0,0,0 values and not random world positions..
3) 1011 is right here imo, not entirely sure what joint you mean as there is so many diff setups for feet =D
4)You should look up how constraints work as you will probs get popping issues with other things if you do not understand them. I think digital tutors has a series just on constraints and how they work.
Still I can't get the right way to parent constraint well the character's arm and leg
Should it be something like this?
Bone constrained to locator, locator parented to handle?