Hello PolyCount, i'm finding it difficult to start painting in photoshop because I do not know what brush settings to use, it always seems to come out muddy and the highlights look very unnatural.
If any of you could share your techniques for painting different materials and highlights I would be very grateful, thanks in advance.
Some reference of what i'm looking for:

Created by
Wells in another hand painted thread in which he talks briefly about how he achieved this look, but does not cover brush settings.
That being said, I tend to stick to hard round with pressure sensitive flow. For quickly blending colors together I use the Smudge brush with a scattering effect (high spacing jitter).
This 3D Motive video series by Tyson Murphy goes over how he does hand painted textures. I'm pretty sure he just uses hard round as well, and re-samples his strokes a lot.
You should use hard edged most of the time.
You can live with a simple round airbrush, just the spacing settings
are important to set up to blend. Set Pressure to Opacity and/or size,
and thats about it. Sampling your own brushes, jittering and else
is fine also if you aim for a special texture/to save time.