Hello everyone o/
So i got bored in class at Uni one day and drew a quick concept for a rifle which i liked the look of so i decided to model it.
The name ShatterCannon comes from the idea for the sound it would make which i imagined as a sort of loud bang quickly followed by a crack which gives it that shattering aspect ^^
The gun is supposed to be semi decayed/old and barely functional.
At the moment i have only finished the basic layout of the model but I've come to a point where i feel like it needs more detail but i'm not a "gun nut" so i have no idea what i could add.
I could really use some advice on where to go now because i don't want to start doing the UV's if i end up changing something and i just have to do them again.
Please remember this is a WIP and i haven't done any UV's, texturing or optimization etc...
Even if you aren't a gun nut, it would be wise to reference a lot of guns, and learn a bit about your subject matter. I don't understand a lot about how your gun is supposed to work. Why are there plates next to the barrel, Where does the ammo go, where is your ammo source? What about the design tells me that it emits a loud bang? How the heck am I supposed to hold it?
Even beyond making it believable, you can use some good gun references to figure out the details you are looking for.