This is the last peace I wanted to add to my portfolio before starting to look for internships.
This environment is meant to represent a large submarine that is used for researching and for doing experiments that need to remain under wraps.
My main goals with this environment was to learn more about hard surface since I didn't really know much about it from before.
Also, I wanted to have a chance to work with larger environments and learn how I should go about building them.
The concept was inspired by Wolfenstein: The New Order and I tried to look a lot at the art of the entire game as a whole but also to individual artists such as Tor Frick and Nicholas Cort. I tried to understand how they model and I challenged myself to get as close as I could to their quality.
Here is a flythrough the environment
And here are some shots
This is the end of the first stage of this peace. The next part will be to put together the command room. But before moving to that, since I will be using a lot of the assets that are already in the engine, I want to take in some feedback and see how I could improve what I already have. I will also have to send my applications for internships soon so I think its a good time to take a step back and see what I can do to push this environment and make it better.
Any critiques would be much appreciated!
And some textures. This was made in Cryengine 3.5.8 so everything is using the pre-PBR way of texturing.
Thank you!
Of course, a real sub would make for a very cramped FPS with only a single corridor...
I agree with you here and regarding scale, I think this is one of the main things I would change. While I still want to convey the idea of a large submarine, I agree that the hallway is larger than it should. Also, there is indeed more stuff going in a real submarine.
Do you have any suggestion regarding the lighting? Are there specific areas that give you that feeling or is a rather overall feel that you get?
This is from a movie set (Das Boot, of course), but should give you an idea of how crowded a WWII boat would be. American & British boats were similar, and Japanese ships were even tighter. Also note the bare bulbs - they'd provide the main source of light, and were fairly sparsely placed.
Now compare that to a modern sub:
Of course, you don't need to limit yourself to reality, but I often find it's a good starting point. Personally, I've felt that a realistic warship could make a great map, but I don't see anything smaller than a heavy cruiser working well - small ships are just too crowded for much maneuvering or many hidden spaces.
Thank you for pointing this stuff out! I'll come back soon after I'll experiment some stuff in my scene. I was looking at the regular bulbs in your image and I'll try to see what happens if I tone down a bit my lamps.