Hey everyone! Destiny was released just a few weeks ago and it's been a hell of a ride.
We are creating this thread as a central location for artists of various disciplines at Bungie to show off some of their awesome work.
I will also create some "reserve" posts to links to Bungie artists' work if they post later and get buried a few pages deep.
Make sure you guys check back every other day or so to see if more Bungie artists have posted their work

I did a bunch of skybox environment work along with Mark Goldsworthy and Ryan Watkins.
The nature of working on a team is we all pitch in, so I do not take 100% credit for all the work in all these images. Some I did most of the work, some I did not.
In these images I had a significant contribution:

Apologies for the low video quality... I will be rerecording them.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50n6j35u4_0"]Bungie - Destiny - Isaiah Sherman - Bastion Crucible map - Skybox art 02 - YouTube[/ame]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZql2XaOeTY"]Bungie - Destiny - Isaiah Sherman - Bastion Crucible map - Skybox art 01 - YouTube[/ame]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_VPWgw8o-U"]Bungie - Destiny - Isaiah Sherman - Firebase Delphi Crucible map - Skybox art 01 - YouTube[/ame]
so inspiring, thanks for sharing
It's a lot of 3D work, actually. Imagine typical environment artist workflow with a focus on low-poly work and lots of transparents & shaders.
Mostly the only thing that are flat cards are clouds. All the mountains are 3D geo because we have a TOD cycle it's best to have as much 3D geo as possible so the lighting system does all the work.
Some really amazing work you all have done! Hoping for some hunter armor shots
Game is gorgeous. Knocked it out of the park, ladies and gents.
Sherman, you have great portfolio. Really great stuff in there.
This mech is superb. Pure inspiration.
And gun with golden decorations. Is. Just. Beuatiful.
Guys can you share some knowledge how did you did that ? Few tips for aspiring environment artist ? Especially about lightning. (Im using Cryengine with PBR system, if its matters.)
mvhaitsma, that spider tank... were you working with lico to make that happen? I hear it was a small group of guys that took it from being a stationary turret to a walking tank.
Fantastic work!
I've been having so much fun playing it and I died a ton at first because I was looking at all the art all the time.
Great job guys!
great stuff man
but dayum, those skyboxes... I mean venus with the frigging volcano and the meteor shower. epic blow to the face!