Hello! I am m going to make the set for Mason Vanguard and here is my concept art of the sword (zweihander). It will be tweaked eventually because I'm not good in following my own concepts. I mean when I draw I have the idea, but when I model\sculpt I have the other ideas and will try to tweak some parts. ok, enough talking, here comes the concept art!!:poly122:
will add the helmet concept later.
thanks for the advice!
ps: are you able to see my attached image? Its like lines of code for me, not the image
then you need to put that in image tags in your post which look like this [img][/img]
so paste the image url between those image tags and it will show up in your post.
It will end up looking like
final result:
Magicspook :P
Some areas are completely untoched, some just to explain the idea and to refine later. Thanks for your reviews and the comments!
here is my lowpoly, and Im going to start with the helmet now. the time is short
Here is something to completely terrify you! MY BEAUTIFUL DRAWING SKILLS!!1
Are you still there? well, you are the tough one! As you can see I draw the concept and started sketching helmet inside zbrush.
First screengrabs from editor! Yay!!
I was a bit confused about the light source for this preview until I figure out to rotate the model :icon3:
If you hold down "L" you can move the light source around.
Maan, really thank you, I didn't know that before