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Help needed making ice cubes!

Hey guys,

I'm making a game with a friend, we are using Unity.

I need to make ice cubes for this game, but I don't know how I can do that, so I'm asking here.

Does any of you know how I can make ice cubes to be used in Unity?
I don't have any preferences about it, it just need to look like ice cubes. They will be big though, at the size of the player.

I have been searching for a long time, but haven't been lucky.

Thanks in advance.


  • Shrike
    Offline / Send Message
    Shrike interpolator
    Make a ice cube lowpoly that is properly baked from a sculpt, make sure to add a detail normal on top or have enough noise in the highpoly then use or make a refraction shader and play with fresnel, nothing too special, you just have to try something out
  • ZacD
    Online / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    What type of game? Are you going to be able to use transparency? What's the art style?
  • Chimp
    Offline / Send Message
    Chimp interpolator
    As ZacD says, we need to know a little more about the art style involved.

    Ultimately, for the best results you are going to want to roll your own shader for it to handle any number of things from transparency to reflection and refraction and beyond in a performance-friendly way.

    You might want a PBR style shader for roughness variation and image based lighting, you might even want to go so far as some kind of sub surface scattering approximation depending on the kind of aesthetic requirements you need - is there going to be strong lighting in the scene that warrents something like SSS?

    Good questions result in good answers, give us more and we'll give you more!
  • vbr2809
    Yeah OK.

    The game is first person, but without weapons, the player will be chased by cigar glows, so the ice cube will serve as a health power-up, floating in the air. The idea is to survive for a long time and score points on the glows dieing.

    The art style is photo-realistic, cigar club style. with much smoke and fog, cause the glows will be spawning from burning cigars, and the player is running around a big ashtray.

    I will be able to use transparency yes.

    There will not be a strong light in the scene, it will be more on the dark side, but not like with the lights turned out, but cause of the smoke from the cigars.

    About the shader you were talking about, do you mean I will need to write it my self?

    I hope you can make sense of this :D
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