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Maya freeze after opening mb scene

polycounter lvl 4
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PetSto polycounter lvl 4
Hi, i have big problem for me, i dont have any backup and when open my scene maya freeze (whole pc are slow). Scene contains LPs and HPs and mb file has 320MB and ma file has 575MB. Maya only freze when only opening this specific file, if I open something else then works great. I cant copy paste error because maya is freezed and need manualy shutdown, can you help me how to export from this file (maybe through mel script) meshes to another format like is FBX or OBJ.2di0cbs.jpg


  • MethodJ
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    MethodJ polycounter lvl 4
    Are you sure Maya is actually frozen? When I've opened big files in the past, Maya slows to a crawl, but it eventually opens up ok. Try letting it run overnight - if it does load, you'll be able to export whatever you need.

    You could also try running it on a computer that has more RAM than the machine you're using now and see if that makes a difference.
  • PetSto
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    PetSto polycounter lvl 4
    Hi, I tried open Maya for 3-4 hours and nothing was changed. When I try open different file where is some 10M+ tris bigger HP mesh, Maya open him to 10s. I dont have another PC with more than 6GB Ram, than I cant check. It seems, that file is corrupted or something, Maya is freezed, PC are slowed, Maya used all my RAM and PC still something working (swapping). Maybe help me some Mel script to import meshes from corrupted file to new scene, I need only meshes, another things as are materials, groups, normals, .. can be trashed.
  • Bartalon
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    Bartalon polycounter lvl 12
    Might be a long shot but try loading in the file as a reference. (File > Create Reference)
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